In a recent appearance on the talk show, David Letterman, talented actress Emily Blunt shared a hilarious and traumatic ski lesson story that had the audience in stitches.

Blunt, known for her roles in films like “The Young Victoria,” revealed that she had a limited knowledge of Queen Victoria before taking on the role. She described her as old and repressed, but was pleasantly surprised to learn that Victoria was vivacious and rebellious. Blunt even had the opportunity to look at Victoria’s diary, which gave her a rare glimpse into the history of British monarchy.

During the interview, Blunt also discussed her family and upcoming holiday plans. She revealed that her family used to take Christmas vacations, often involving skiing. However, Blunt admitted that she didn’t believe British people were good at sliding due to the lack of snow in the country. She recalled a skiing trip with her father where they got lost, and she ended up going down Black Diamond runs, causing her quite a fright.

Blunt also mentioned her current project, a film called “The Adjustment Bureau,” in which she stars alongside Matt Damon. Filming in New York City, she shared some behind-the-scenes moments, including shooting at incredible locations during night shoots. Blunt described a particularly challenging scene that required sprinting up a flight of stairs at 5 a.m.

As the interview continued, Blunt discussed her role as a ballet dancer in the film and how she had to undergo intense training to prepare for her dance scenes. She even had a double for some of the more challenging moves. Blunt’s double, an incredible dancer, was amazed that she chose to wear sweatpants instead of shorts for certain scenes.

The conversation then circled back to “The Young Victoria,” with Blunt sharing fascinating facts about Queen Victoria’s reign, including her status as the longest-reigning monarch to date. Blunt also mentioned her previous role in the film “The Devil Wears Prada,” acknowledging that some viewers might recognize her from that film as well.

Overall, Emily Blunt‘s appearance on David Letterman was filled with laughter and entertaining anecdotes. Her ski lesson mishap and insights into portraying Queen Victoria added a lively touch to the chat show. With her upcoming film “The Adjustment Bureau” and her undeniable talent, Blunt continues to captivate audiences with her performances.