Conan O’Brien, the renowned host of the talk show ‘Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,’ and his team found themselves in a bit of a predicament during a recent segment. After a conversation with guest Chelsea Paretti about bear attacks, the team realized that their remarks were not only irresponsible but potentially dangerous. Concerned about the misinformation they had inadvertently spread, Conan and his staff wanted to set the record straight.
During the segment, Conan emphasized that neither he nor anyone else in the studio, including Chelsea, were experts on surviving bear attacks. Conan even joked that anyone who turned to their show for advice on how to survive in the woods would be foolish. Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, they all agreed that it was necessary to address the issue.
To shed some light on the topic, they decided to consult their producer and researcher, Jen Samples, who is an avid hiker and outdoor enthusiast. Jen shared her insights on bear attacks, particularly focusing on black bears and grizzly bears. She explained that when encountering a black bear, it is important to make yourself appear bigger and make loud noises, such as banging pots and pans. However, attacking the bear physically is not recommended.
For encounters with grizzly bears, Jen advised playing dead. By covering your head and neck with your arms and hands, lying flat on your stomach, and spreading your legs, you can reduce the chances of provoking a grizzly bear. Jen also mentioned that it is crucial to carry bear spray as a precautionary measure.
To validate Jen’s advice, Conan and his team did some additional research and confirmed that the National Park Service recommends fighting back against black bear attacks, using weapons like rocks, branches, or bear spray. However, when it comes to grizzly bears, it is best to play dead and wait until the bear leaves the area before getting up.
Amidst the discussion, the conversation took a lighthearted turn as they touched upon polar bears and even koala bears, although they didn’t have as much information on the latter. It was all in good fun, with Conan cracking jokes about wearing a suit and getting in a casket to fool a brown bear.
By the end of the segment, Conan and his team were relieved to have addressed the issue responsibly. They emphasized that their show’s purpose is entertainment and comedy, not providing factual advice on wildlife encounters. Listeners were encouraged to seek accurate information from reliable sources when it comes to dealing with nature and wildlife.
Conan’s staff demonstrated their commitment to rectifying any potential harm caused by the earlier conversation. They made it clear that the safety and well-being of their audience are their top priorities. So, if you’re ever in need of bear attack survival strategies, it’s best to consult the experts or reliable sources rather than relying on a comedic talk show.
Overall, the segment highlighted the importance of promoting accurate information and the responsibility that comes with a platform like Conan O’Brien‘s talk show. While entertainment is paramount, ensuring the audience’s well-being should never be compromised.