On a recent episode of “The Ellen Degeneres Show,” host Ellen Degeneres showcased inspiring women who have made a difference in their communities. The show featured guests who have gone above and beyond to help others, proving that acts of kindness can have a lasting impact.

One of the guests, Joyce, was a participant in a recent tournament on the show called the $100,000 Game of Games. Despite not wanting to win, Joyce impressed Ellen with her knowledge and performance. Ellen admired Joyce‘s humility and hoped to meet her again in the future.

Another guest, Courtney Milnor, caught Ellen’s attention with her positive energy and uplifting message. After the tragic news of Kobe Bryant’s death, Courtney shared a heartwarming message on social media, urging people to reach out to their loved ones. Her words resonated with many and served as a reminder to cherish every moment.

Ellen also welcomed Candice Payne, a woman from Chicago who went above and beyond during the extreme cold temperatures caused by the polar vortex. Instead of staying home, Candice decided to help the homeless by using her own money to provide hotel rooms for over 100 people. Despite facing initial resistance from hotels, she eventually secured 72 rooms for five nights. Her actions showcased the power of compassion and inspired others to lend a helping hand.

The show also featured Ashlyn, a 24-year-old occupational therapist who chose to work with special needs students in an impoverished school district. Despite the challenges and limited resources, Ashlyn is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of these students. She often donates a portion of her salary to buy equipment and treats for her students, ensuring they feel loved and supported.

In addition to highlighting these incredible women, Ellen also surprised them with generous donations. Shutterfly, one of the show’s sponsors, contributed $25,000 to each guest’s cause. Courtney received $50,000 in total, which will go towards supporting her work with special needs students. Ashlyn received $10,000 for her school district, which will help improve access to technology and resources. Lastly, Candice received $10,000 to continue her efforts in assisting the homeless population in Chicago.

The Ellen Degeneres Show” continues to shed light on inspiring individuals who are making a difference in their communities. By showcasing their stories, Ellen spreads positivity and encourages viewers to also contribute to causes they believe in. The show serves as a reminder that small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect and create a lasting impact on the lives of others.