In a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, CBS News host John Dickerson shared his thoughts on President Joe Biden’s response to uncommitted voters. The conversation became lively as they discussed Biden’s use of language and the themes he emphasized in his speech.

One notable aspect of Biden’s speech was the absence of mentioning former President Trump’s name. Dickerson pointed out that it is common for politicians to refer to their opponents, but Biden never mentioned Trump. Instead, he referred to him as “my predecessor” thirteen times in the text, possibly even more off-script. This stood out to Dickerson as a departure from previous State of the Union addresses.

Another theme that emerged was Biden’s repeated use of the word “fair.” This was significant because it tied into his policy proposals, such as increasing teacher pay, helping with housing, addressing college loans, and lowering drug costs. To fund these initiatives, Biden plans to tax corporations and the wealthy, which resonates with his populist message of ensuring people receive a fair deal and pay their fair share.

Dickerson noted that Truman’s “Fair Deal,” announced in a 1949 State of the Union speech, may have served as an inspiration for Biden’s repeated use of the term. By focusing on issues of fairness and opportunity, Biden intends to shift the debate from people’s feelings about the economy under Trump to what he plans to do to improve American opportunity in the future.

Addressing the uncommitted voters in states like Michigan and Minnesota, Biden announced temporary support for Gaza and advocated for humanitarian aid. Dickerson highlighted the political significance of Biden bypassing Israel and directly providing aid to Gaza. He believes that the uncommitted voters sent a clear signal to Biden, prompting him to change his messaging and policy accordingly.

The conversation then turned to the Republican response, or lack thereof, to Biden’s call for no political violence. Dickerson and Colbert observed that Republicans did not stand up to applaud this statement, which was surprising given that political violence goes against the principles of democracy. The room’s reaction was notable, and Dickerson expressed his belief that such a call against violence should be a low bar that both sides can agree on.

As the conversation continued, it became evident that Biden’s response and willingness to listen to the concerns of uncommitted voters reflect the system working as it should in a democracy. Dickerson commended the uncommitted voters for using their democratic power to push for change and making their voices heard.

Overall, the discussion between John Dickerson and Stephen Colbert analyzed Biden’s response to uncommitted voters from various angles, highlighting the language used, policy implications, and the significance of uncommitted voters’ influence on politics. It showcased the lively nature of political discourse and the importance of engaging with the democratic process.