Johannes Radebe, a beloved professional dancer on the hit show Strictly Come Dancing, recently appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show to share his experience on the show and reflect on the progress made in society regarding LGBTQ+ acceptance.

During the interview, Ross and co-host Perry expressed their admiration for Strictly Come Dancing and their love for Johannes Radebe‘s performances. Perry, in particular, shared a personal story about watching Johannes and his partner John dance on the show and how it made him reflect on the progress of LGBTQ+ rights. He mentioned how, during his own upbringing in Birmingham, gay men were often subjected to violence, but now they were not only allowed to dance on the biggest show on television, but were also beloved by the public.

Johannes, who hails from Africa, spoke emotionally about his experience on Strictly Come Dancing and how it has restored his faith in humanity. Having spent the past seven years in the UK, he expressed feeling seen and acknowledged, which contributed to a newfound confidence within himself. He mentioned that the public feedback he received about his performances was humbling and beautiful to hear.

The conversation then shifted towards the behind-the-scenes details of Strictly Come Dancing. Johannes revealed that the professional dancers do not know in advance who their partners will be, and that the announcement is made close to the start of the show. He acknowledged that this uncertainty can be nerve-wracking for the professionals, but they understand the importance of keeping it under wraps to maintain the element of surprise. Johannes himself is still waiting for the call to know if he will be participating in the next series.

The hosts also highlighted some groundbreaking moments that Johannes has been a part of on Strictly Come Dancing. He was the first male dancer on the show to perform in heels, breaking gender stereotypes and showcasing his incredible talent. Additionally, Johannes and his partner John made history by performing a routine where one man lifts another, which was a meaningful and beautiful moment for both of them.

Johannes further discussed the challenges and joys of being lifted by another person. Acknowledging his muscular physique, he mentioned that he understood the level of care and technique required for such lifts, as he himself has lifted women before. He expressed gratitude for John’s patience and support during the process, as they didn’t have a template to follow and were figuring out the lifts together. Johannes confessed that he was initially nervous about being lifted but was thrilled that John was willing to try new things and overcome any difficulties they faced.

The interview concluded with Johannes appearing confident about his future on Strictly Come Dancing, hoping for another chance to showcase his talent on the show. The conversation shed light on the groundbreaking moments he has been a part of, while also showcasing his humility and appreciation for the support he has received from the public.

Fans of Strictly Come Dancing and Johannes Radebe will surely be eagerly awaiting his return to the show, where he continues to break boundaries and inspire audiences with his incredible dance performances.