In a recent episode of the popular talk show, David Letterman welcomed world-renowned Chef, Gordon Ramsey. The discussion quickly turned to one of Ramsey’s television programs, where he attempted to rescue a failing restaurant. The restaurant in question was a fine dining establishment run by two inexperienced young men in a small town in England. Ramsey described one particularly memorable experience where he was served a dish of roasted scallops that had turned rancid. Unaware of the danger, Ramsey consumed the dish and became violently ill. Despite his efforts to turn the restaurant around, it ultimately closed due to the owners’ lack of seriousness and disregard for necessary sanitary practices.

The conversation turned to the challenges faced by the restaurant industry, with Ramsey revealing a staggering statistic that 75% of new restaurants close within the first 18 months of operation. He explained that this high failure rate can be attributed to a combination of factors, including taking customers for granted, improper pricing, and a failure to understand and meet the needs of customers.

As the host delved deeper into Ramsey’s own success, it was revealed that the celebrity chef operates a whopping 10 restaurants throughout England, Tokyo, and Dubai. When asked how he manages such a feat, Ramsey credited his incredible team and their hard work. He emphasized the importance of being present at each location, acknowledging the impossibility of being physically present at all ten restaurants simultaneously.

In an unexpected twist, Letterman proposed a partnership between Ramsey and Rupert Jee, the owner of the nearby Hello Deli. Ramsey expressed interest but advised Jee to make improvements to the establishment, offering constructive criticism on the menu and cleanliness. The conversation lightened as Ramsey jokingly requested a paul schaer sandwich – a popular item on the Hello Deli’s menu – and provided feedback on its preparation.

Overall, the conversation with Gordon Ramsey on David Letterman‘s talk show offered a fascinating glimpse into the world of restaurant rescues and the challenges faced by both struggling eateries and successful culinary entrepreneurs. With his charisma and expertise, Ramsey provided words of wisdom and took the opportunity to offer some helpful pointers to Rupert Jee and his Hello Deli.