In a recent episode of The Jonathan Ross Show, stand-up comedian Lee Evans made a memorable appearance. The episode started off with Jonathan Ross building anticipation for Evans’ entrance, stating that he is not only a star of the stage and screen but also one of the finest stand-up comedians. Finally, Evans made his way onto the stage, jokingly expressing that he had been waiting for two hours to come out.
Once Evans took his seat, he wasted no time criticizing the set of the show. He described it as a “stink ass monkey pen” and likened it to a waiting room in a psychiatric ward. He even complained about the couch, questioning its material and grip. Ross tried to calm him down, but Evans couldn’t resist poking fun at his host’s age, comparing him to Jack Palance.
Despite the banter, Ross steered the conversation towards Evans’ recent accident. Evans revealed that he had broken his leg while jogging. They discussed his visit to the hospital and the X-ray process, with Evans humorously impersonating the medical staff and their peculiar actions.
Moving on, Ross commended Evans on his fitness and mentioned his boxing background. He also acknowledged Evans’ exceptional talent as an actor, referencing his roles both in comedies and more serious productions. Ross specifically mentioned Evans’ upcoming play, stating that he couldn’t put the script down and praising its brilliance.
To give the audience a taste of what to expect, Evans had prepared a trailer for the play, titled “Barking.” The trailer, shot like a movie trailer, showcased the play’s comedic elements and generated excitement for its upcoming premiere in September at the Windam theater.
Towards the end of the show, Ross mentioned that they usually ask guests to bring something to discuss but Evans had decided to do something different. Evans expressed his dislike for the set and decided to redecorate it himself on the spot. With equipment and paint in hand, Evans got to work, adding his personal touch to the set. Ross, slightly confused but intrigued, assisted him in the process.
As the episode concluded, Evans left the set partially redecorated, promising to finish the job. The segment left the audience amused and curious about the final outcome.
This entertaining episode of The Jonathan Ross Show showcased Lee Evans‘ comedic talent, his upcoming play, and his spontaneous decision to redecorate the set. Fans of Evans can look forward to his new play, “Barking,” and his future touring plans, as the comedian shows no signs of slowing down.