In an exciting episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show, talk show host Jimmy Kimmel made his first appearance. The audience erupted in applause as Kimmel took the stage, already a seasoned host with an Emmy award and two successful seasons of his own show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, under his belt.

Ellen wasted no time in getting to know her guest, asking him about his aversion to dancing. Kimmel admitted that he had always been uncomfortable dancing, reminiscing about his failed attempt to make the cheerleading team in high school. Despite his unease, he confessed to watching The Ellen Degeneres Show every day from his dressing room and contemplating a guest appearance.

Kimmel, however, had a clever plan to avoid any dance-related embarrassment. He decided to hire a stunt double, jokingly stating that his double’s name would be “Houston” because it sounded more like a butler or a Mater D. Ellen found his idea hilarious and assured him that dancing was never mandatory on her show, emphasizing that her guests were under no pressure to do anything they didn’t want to.

The conversation then took a lighthearted turn as Kimmel shared some recent health mishaps. He revealed that he had been battling an ear infection due to his obsessive habits of flossing, nail clipping, and ear cleaning. Kimmel’s commitment to cleanliness had led him to stick Q-tips deep into his ear, causing a potential perforated eardrum. To make matters worse, his girlfriend had inadvertently worsened the situation by shooting a water pick into his ear, resulting in an infection.

Despite his health woes, Kimmel soldiered on and finished his show, even taking eight Advil pills in a short span of time for a chronic back problem. As a result, his face had a less-than-desirable reaction to the Advil, leading to a comically swollen appearance. Ever the comedian, Kimmel snapped pictures of himself, knowing they would be perfect for future storytelling.

Ellen commended Kimmel’s bravery and resilience, joking that he could use his newfound hospital adventure as material for his show. Kimmel agreed, acknowledging that being a daily host required constantly searching for interesting stories. Little did he know that this unexpected health scare would become a fantastic anecdote to share with his viewers.

The conversation shifted once again to the upcoming Halloween festivities. Kimmel admitted that he wasn’t a fan of dressing up, often leaving costume decisions until the last minute. However, he developed a unique approach to costumes by combining unrelated ideas, such as being “Abraham chicken” (half Abraham Lincoln, half chicken) or “space Jesus” (Jesus wearing an astronaut’s uniform). Ellen laughed at his creativity, suggesting that his children might mimic his unconventional costume choices.

Speaking of his kids, Kimmel revealed that his daughter had initially planned to dress up as a giant bottle of ketchup. However, the costume seemed too labor-intensive, so Kimmel suggested she dress up as a door instead. They both found the idea hilarious, even though Kimmel ended up spending $200 to create a door out of paper. Such is the life of a devoted father!

As the interview drew to a close, Ellen mentioned that Kimmel would be hosting the upcoming American Music Awards, an event chosen by the people, making it even more special. Kimmel expressed his excitement and shared a funny anecdote about gifting a $500 bottle of scotch to music legend Elvis Costello, only to find out that Costello didn’t drink and had passed it on to someone else. Ellen humorously suggested that Kimmel should take the shots himself in Costello’s honor.

The episode ended with a promise from Kimmel to give away bicycles and even a Volkswagen Jetta to lucky trick-or-treaters who visited his house. Although Kimmel admitted to rarely receiving visitors on Halloween, he hoped this year would be different. Ellen playfully offered to share his address on her website, ensuring that his house would be flooded with excited children.

With their conversation filled with laughter and wit, Ellen and Jimmy Kimmel showcased their undeniable chemistry. This episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show was a true display of entertainment at its finest, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting Kimmel’s return to the small screen.

Originally aired on October 26, 2004