In a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” actor Woody Harrelson made a surprising proposal to the host. The conversation started when Harrelson reminded Conan about a conversation they had months ago, where Harrelson suggested that they go in 50/50 on a houseboat in Amsterdam. Conan immediately accepted the offer, not because he wanted a houseboat but because he thought it would be the coolest thing to co-own a houseboat with Woody Harrelson. However, Conan later found out that Harrelson had approached Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers with a similar proposition, but this time for a houseboat in Copenhagen. Conan was left wondering if he was just a passing fancy and if his dream of co-owning a houseboat with Harrelson had been shattered.

This revelation came as a heartbreaking surprise for Conan, who had been excited about the prospect. He had even imagined having memorable experiences on the houseboat and documenting them for his biography. But now, with the houseboat plan seemingly shifting to Copenhagen and Flea‘s involvement, Conan was left feeling disappointed.

During the conversation, Conan playfully confronted Harrelson, asking him why he would do this and what perverse pleasure he derived from raising Conan’s hopes only to dash them. Harrelson seemed to have a lighthearted attitude about the situation and didn’t recall the conversation with Flea as being significant. He assured Conan that he was not still in the plan for the Copenhagen houseboat.

Despite the disappointment of the houseboat proposal, Conan and Harrelson continued their lively banter, reflecting on their friendship and their successful podcast, “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend.” The duo discussed how much fun they have while recording the podcast and how it has allowed them to meet new people and share laughter and memories. Harrelson’s wide circle of friends has been a delight for Conan, and he appreciates the opportunity to connect with them through the podcast.

As the conversation shifted to their respective careers, Conan mentioned how he believes that most of the work he has done, including hosting late night shows and various comedy projects, would have been something he would have pursued regardless. His passion for comedy goes beyond monetary gain, and he has always refused payment for his work in the industry.

Throughout the talk, Conan mixed humor with heartfelt moments, showcasing his genuine camaraderie with Harrelson. They reminisced about their past experiences, including the time Conan spent on the set of “Cheers” and the pranks they used to pull on each other. One particularly memorable prank involved spitballs, with George Wendt being a frequent target.

As the episode came to a close, Conan and Harrelson discussed their after-show rituals. While Conan joked about the lack of parties due to the demanding schedule of a daily talk show, they both admitted to enjoying unwinding with a bit of pot after a long day of work.

Overall, the episode of “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” featuring Woody Harrelson was filled with laughter, witty banter, and unexpected revelations. While Conan’s dream of co-owning a houseboat with Harrelson seemed to have been shattered, their strong friendship continued to shine through, adding to the entertaining dynamic of the podcast.