In the recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, host Stephen Colbert addressed the anxieties surrounding President Biden‘s leadership while also commending his steadfastness. The President’s strong performance at the high-stakes NATO Summit was acknowledged, with Colbert even jokingly suggesting a unique way to conduct elections – using loose papers and even birch bark if necessary.

To highlight the significance of the event, the administration employed a social media influencer to film a promotional video for the NATO Summit. However, the influencer initially thought it was a project related to “shark NATO,” which Colbert humorously connects to former President Trump’s hostility towards NATO.

Despite Biden’s impressive display, some Democrats remain concerned about his ability to fulfill his role effectively. Reports claim that many within the party are panicking about Biden’s capabilities, yet are not taking any concrete actions. This contradiction is seen in the public safety posters found in the Congressional breakroom. Colbert wittily suggests that if something seems amiss, it’s best to pretend you didn’t see it.

While most Democrats are currently united behind Biden, their unease is palpable. Colbert highlights the diversity of opinions within the party by showcasing Democratic representatives giving non-committal answers when asked if they support keeping Biden as the nominee. However, there are some unwavering supporters, such as South Carolina representative James Curn, who confidently proclaimed their allegiance to Biden.

Nevertheless, the uncertainty surrounding Biden has prompted influential figures to speak out. Actor George Clooney, in a New York Times op-ed, expressed his love for Biden but suggested the need for a new nominee. Clooney jokingly added that they also required a “money guy, a safe cracker, an acrobat, and Brad Pitt” to form the perfect candidate.

If Biden were to step aside, a recent poll indicates that Vice President Kamala Harris would lead Trump in a hypothetical matchup. This prospect captures Stephen Colbert‘s excitement, as he envisions Harris running on Biden’s record and her own accomplishments as Vice President.

In typical fashion, Colbert couldn’t resist mentioning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also outpolled Trump in the survey. With Hillary leading in the polls, Colbert jokingly reprises his role as a news anchor for a humorous live reaction from “Chappaqua,” where Clinton still “has it all.”

President Trump, aware of the polling data, lashed out at Harris during a recent rally, attempting to create a comical nickname for her. Colbert playfully dissects Trump’s attempt, highlighting the questionable spelling choices.

Amidst the ongoing political drama, Trump proposed an unconventional way to determine the presidency through a golf match against Biden. Colbert whimsically states that it would be one of the most-watched sporting events in history. However, Colbert also reminds viewers that picking a president through sports is not entirely unprecedented, referencing the Clinton-Gore ticket’s synchronized swimming victory in 1992.

Reflecting on his time in office, Trump demonstrated some questionable knowledge about NATO. Noting that he initially didn’t know “what the hell NATO was,” Colbert humorously draws parallels between Trump’s lack of understanding and a surgeon claiming to have learned about hearts from a YouTube video.

While it remains uncertain who Trump’s running mate would be, My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell expressed his desire to be put in charge of American elections during a podcast interview. Colbert amusingly comments on Lindell’s election denial and compares this proposition to assigning E. coli as a salad bar manager.

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert promises a great lineup for upcoming episodes, featuring guests such as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Martha Stewart. As the show airs on the assigned date, viewers can enjoy Colbert’s unique take on current events and his witty commentary on political happenings.