In a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, actress Sofia Vergara opened up about her mission to bring sexy back to Kmart with her clothing line. With her signature humor and charm, Vergara explained that Kmart wasn’t always seen as the go-to place for cute and sexy outfits. However, she aims to change that perception by offering affordable clothing that looks like a million dollars.

During the interview, O’Brien playfully joked about husbands not noticing when their wives spend money from the household budget on stylish attire. Vergara quickly dismissed the rumors, clarifying that she doesn’t have a husband. She emphasized the importance of women feeling confident in their appearance and not letting the milk and bread budget stop them from buying something that makes them feel sexy.

As the conversation shifted to body image, O’Brien asked Vergara about the Colombian belief that “bigger is better” when it comes to a woman’s body. With a smile, Vergara confirmed that in Colombia, bigger is indeed better. She playfully mentioned that big hair is considered important and even compared her own hairstyle to cotton candy. The audience erupted in laughter, enjoying the lighthearted banter between the host and the actress.

Vergara admitted that she used to feel self-conscious about being thin while growing up in Colombia. In a culture where voluptuous bodies are celebrated, she felt the pressure to have more curves. She recalled being nicknamed “Palio” by her classmates and even wearing two pairs of jeans to create the illusion of a fuller figure. However, as time went on, Vergara embraced herself and “blossomed” into her now-iconic curvaceous form.

This entertaining chat between Sofia Vergara and Conan O’Brien showcased the actress’s wit and charm. Not only did she prove her dedication to bringing sexy back to Kmart, but she also shed light on the differing beauty standards around the world. As always, the Colombian-born star left a lasting impression on the talk show audience with her infectious personality and ability to bring laughter to any conversation.