Melinda French Gates, the philanthropist, author, and founder of Pivotal Ventures recently appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where she discussed various topics including her new venture, women’s rights, and the importance of giving back. French Gates, who recently became a grandmother, spoke about the joy of seeing multiple generations of her family together. When asked about her grandmother name, French Gates revealed that her siblings had chosen the name Nona, which she loved.

The conversation then turned to her role as a mother and the memories that come flooding back when she sees her own daughter raising her own child. French Gates mentioned crawling around on the floor, a task she hadn’t done in a long time, and how it has been fun to relive those moments. Meanwhile, Colbert congratulated her on becoming a grandmother and jokingly asked if she was Italian since her chosen grandmother name sounded Italian.

The talk show host then shifted the discussion towards French Gates’ departure from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. French Gates clarified that the foundation is still going strong and mentioned her ongoing efforts to discover the purpose of the funds they are raising. Colbert jokingly questioned her commitment to giving away her fortune, to which French Gates firmly responded that she still believes strongly in giving back to society.

French Gates emphasized the importance of recognizing the privileges of growing up in the United States and highlighted the responsibility that comes with wealth. She expressed her belief that billionaires, having benefited greatly from society, should give back in a thoughtful and impactful way. Colbert, curious about her new venture, Pivotal Ventures, inquired about her focus and what she aims to achieve.

French Gates explained that she is dedicated to ensuring women’s rights are not only on the agenda but that women themselves are setting the agenda. She mentioned the global rollbacks in women’s rights and her aim to support more women running for office, raising funds, and being well-trained in legislative agendas. French Gates stressed the importance of getting women into positions of power and creating great policies that benefit society.

Regarding funding, French Gates acknowledged existing organizations doing excellent work but emphasized the need to supercharge these efforts on a larger scale. Recognizing the impact of funding shortages on women’s rights organizations and their ability to defend against rollbacks, she announced a billion-dollar commitment over the next two years to support their offensive efforts and drive positive change.

As the interview concluded, French Gates reflected on her transition to going by Melinda French Gates instead of Melinda Gates. She expressed her newfound ability to use her full voice and resources, highlighting the importance of women having decision-making authority. Moving forward, French Gates is focused on supporting the next generation of leaders, ensuring they have the resources and funding needed to bring fresh ideas and create positive policy changes.

In her engaging and passionate conversation on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Melinda French Gates left viewers inspired and motivated to think about the impact they can make in the world. With her dedication to empowering women and bringing about positive change, French Gates continues to shine as a true champion of women’s rights and philanthropy.