In a recent appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” comedy superstar Kevin Hart opened up about his passion for pushing the boundaries of comedy. The conversation covered various topics, including his recent workout session with journalist Anderson Cooper, receiving the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, his comedic influences, and his experience hosting the Netflix roast of Tom Brady.

During his interview, Hart discussed his workout routine with Anderson Cooper, which was featured on 60 Minutes. Despite his concerns about Cooper potentially getting injured, Hart was impressed by the journalist’s commitment and perseverance throughout the intense workout. Hart’s workout regime is known as a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, which involves continuous movement and various exercises such as dumbbells, pull-ups, burpees, and cardio. Hart jokingly revealed that if Cooper were to attempt his full workout, he wouldn’t be able to keep up with the intensity.

The conversation then shifted to Hart receiving the prestigious Mark Twain Prize for American Humor at the Kennedy Center. He expressed his gratitude for the award and explained that the most significant aspect of the event was the presence of his close friends within the entertainment industry. The support and celebration from his friends meant more to him than the actual award itself. Hart became emotional talking about how much it meant to him to have his friends take the time to honor his achievements.

Hart also reflected on his early comedic inspirations, specifically pointing out how Eddie Murphy‘s performance in “Raw” had a profound impact on him. Watching Murphy command the stage and effortlessly make people laugh made Hart aspire to have the same effect on audiences. He admired Murphy’s charisma and unique sense of style, even though his outfits may have been questionable.

The talk show host also touched on his recent hosting gig at the Netflix roast of Tom Brady. Hart addressed the current climate of sensitivity and how it has affected comedy. He emphasized the importance of comedy pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms. Hart commended Brady for willingly subjecting himself to the roast, acknowledging that it required a level of discomfort and edginess to truly embody the spirit of a roast. Hart explained that it was crucial for comedy to have an edgier presence in today’s climate, even if it ruffled a few feathers along the way.

Hart acknowledged that he has faced criticism for some of the jokes he has made over the years. However, he maintained that jokes should be appreciated for their craft and execution rather than being taken as malicious attacks. Hart expressed a desire to learn and grow as a comedian, recognizing that sometimes jokes miss their mark. He believed that comedians should have the opportunity to revisit and refine their material, just as any other artist would with their work.

As the interview came to an end, the conversation took a humorous turn as Colbert asked Hart if Tom Brady could handle his intense workout regimen. Hart confidently stated that Brady, although incredibly fit, wouldn’t be able to keep up with the demanding workout due to his specific training methods. Hart playfully emphasized that his workout was not for the faint of heart.

Overall, Kevin Hart‘s appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” provided viewers with an insight into his comedic journey, his dedication to pushing the boundaries of comedy, and the importance of laughter and appreciation for the craft.