In a recent episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” the Supreme Court’s decision to allow Donald Trump to stay on the ballot was a major topic of discussion. The court’s unanimous ruling received mixed reactions, considering Colbert had previously declared the Supreme Court unconstitutional. Despite the ruling, Colbert cheekily encouraged states to kick Trump off their ballots, claiming he had their backs.

But that wasn’t the only talking point of the evening. Trump’s speeches at his recent rallies became a focal point of Colbert’s monologue. The talk show host humorously pointed out how Trump struggled with geography, mispronouncing names like Russia and Venezuela. Trump’s speeches were not only filled with word slurry but also included him describing graphs that no one could see. Colbert playfully mimicked Trump’s hand movements, emphasizing the confusion caused by his charts.

Additionally, Trump’s remarks about the Georgia election fraud case caught Colbert’s attention. The former president’s mispronunciation of prosecutor Fanni Willis’s name added to the humor of the situation. Trump managed to bring up his own personal life during this rally, referring to his wife, Melania, as a woman called Melania, which Colbert found amusingly strange.

Not only did Trump struggle with English, but so did some of his warm-up acts. Colbert highlighted the Virginia State Senator who stumbled through the Pledge of Allegiance and the woman who had difficulty singing the national anthem in North Carolina. The talk show host jokingly suggested that a gas leak might be to blame for these strange occurrences.

Furthermore, one of Trump’s fellow speakers at the rally, Virginia Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, had a memorable flub when declaring her support for Trump. She inadvertently stated, “I don’t have a President; I have President Trump’s back,” resulting in laughter from the audience.

Colbert also pointed out an interesting remark Trump made about North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson. Trump compared Robinson to Martin Luther King Jr. but with the added twist of being “on steroids.” This comment, combined with Trump’s campaign’s efforts to appeal to minorities through AI-generated fake images of black voters, showcased the sometimes questionable strategies employed by Trump’s team.

Switching gears, Colbert shared a surprising report from the Defense Department that revealed the White House had a lax approach to drug controls during Trump’s tenure. The report noted the presence of speed and Xanax in the White House, leaving viewers entertained by the idea that the staff had a lot going on in their lives and needed some assistance.

Ending the monologue on a lighter note, Colbert teased the upcoming guests on the show, R.P.A, and author Ral Noah Harari. The host encouraged viewers to stay tuned for an exciting show.

Overall, “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” once again served up an entertaining mix of political commentary and humor, leaving audiences wanting more of Colbert’s witty take on the latest news and events.