Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, the dynamic duo known for their award-winning podcast, “Lost Culturistas,” made a lively appearance on the popular talk show, Jimmy Kimmel Live. The charismatic pair, often hailed as the Deadpool and Wolverine of podcasting, discussed their latest venture, a spin-off podcast focused on the Olympics called “Two Guys Five Rings.” As avid Olympic fans, Matt and Bowen expressed their excitement about finally being involved in the prestigious event.

During their interview, the hosts asked the duo to break down both of their podcasts. Matt and Bowen humorously described their shows as serious political discussions, before quickly admitting that they are actually just two gay guys talking about random topics. The audience erupted in applause, clearly appreciating their candidness.

Jimmy Kimmel couldn’t resist mentioning his own podcasts, “The Mess Around” and “The Le Morning After,” and playfully called out Matt and Bowen for not responding to his attempts to collaborate. Matt explained that their booking process goes through Anna, their booker, and promised to make the connection.

In a surprising turn of events, Jimmy Kimmel invited Matt and Bowen to be guests on his podcast, “The Morning After.” He explained that on his show, lucky fans get to ask questions, which he then proceeded to do. The questions ranged from their podcasting process to whether it’s acceptable to listen to their show at 1.5 speed. Matt and Bowen playfully responded, admitting that sometimes they sound slow and that they are occasionally high while recording.

Switching gears, the hosts congratulated Bowen on his recent Emmy nomination for “Saturday Night Live” and Matt on his nomination for “Fargo.” They humorously discussed their expectations for the Emmys and even joked about Matt wearing a canary yellow suit if he were to win. Amidst the laughter, Jimmy Kimmel offered himself as their date if they needed one, ensuring they wouldn’t be alone on the big night.

The hosts wrapped up the interview by discussing Matt and Bowen’s new podcast, “Two Guys Five Rings,” which focuses on the Olympic Games. They were excited to share trivia about the Olympics, such as the staggering number of condoms provided in the Olympic Village. The duo vowed to make sure every condom was put to use if they were given the opportunity to attend the games.

In typical Matt and Bowen fashion, they injected the conversation with their signature humor and charm. They also revealed their eerily accurate prediction of Lady Gaga and Sia performing at the Olympic opening ceremony, celebrating their psychic powers of the gay community.

In conclusion, Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang lit up the stage during their appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Their infectious energy and witty banter captivated the audience and left everyone eagerly anticipating their upcoming podcast, “Two Guys Five Rings.” With their refreshing take on entertainment and their unapologetic humor, Matt and Bowen continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the world of podcasting.