During a recent episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” host Jimmy Fallon and special guest Lauren Graham engaged in a fun-filled round of Password with a Gotcha twist. The contestants, along with their partners, battled it out in a best-of-three showdown for a chance to win $25,000.

In Round 2 of the game, the passwords became more challenging, but the twist was that each password was related to the category “Gotcha!” Both Jimmy and Lauren were ready to catch anything within the broad category.

Lauren, who was down a round, chose to play. The first password was “amandine,” and Lauren quickly guessed “casserole” to score a point. Jimmy, on the other hand, struggled to guess the password related to the clue “rainbow,” guessing “leprechaun” to everyone’s amusement.

The game continued with Lauren correctly guessing “smoked” for the password and Jimmy guessing “ham.” However, they both momentarily forgot that the passwords were related to things you catch, leading to some humorous confusion about catching ham.

The next correct guess came from Ally, Jimmy’s partner, who correctly guessed “trout” for the password related to “rainbow.” The excitement grew as the game progressed, and the crowd cheered on the contestants.

Andrea, Lauren’s partner, had her turn next and correctly guessed “bouquet” for the password related to “floral.” The game tightened as Jimmy decided to play and successfully guessed “Pokémon” for the password related to “Pikachu.”

With the score now 9 to 6 in Ally’s favor, Andrea decided to pass on her turn, hoping to regain the lead later. However, Ally didn’t disappoint and correctly guessed “autocorrect” for the password related to “mistake.”

The intensity continued as Andrea correctly guessed “typo” for the password related to “texting,” putting her in the lead with 11 points. The game was now neck and neck.

Jimmy passed on his turn, leaving Lauren to guess the password related to “smell.” After a moment of contemplation, Lauren guessed “whiff” and scored another point, bringing Ally’s total to 14.

As the game approached its climax, Andrea decided to play and correctly guessed “wave” for the password related to “ocean,” tying the score at 14-14.

A tiebreaker was needed to determine the winner. Keke Palmer, the clue giver, presented the final password. Andrea made a quick attempt, guessing “rabbit,” but unfortunately, it was not the password. This gave Ally the opportunity to move on to the bonus round for a chance at winning $25,000.

In a thrilling and well-played game, Ally emerged as the winner, leaving both contestants deserving of applause for their impressive performance. The episode ended with Ally advancing to the bonus round and viewers eagerly anticipating the outcome.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” once again delivered an entertaining and lively segment with a twist on the classic game of Password. The charismatic energy of Jimmy Fallon and the fantastic participation of Lauren Graham and the other guests made for a memorable episode of late-night entertainment.