Conan O’Brien, the renowned host of the talk show “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” recently had a fascinating conversation with actor Walton Goggins. The interview provided insightful details about Goggins’ upbringing in Alabama and Georgia and his unwavering passion for acting. Despite not having many connections in the industry, Goggins always felt a strong desire to pursue a career in the entertainment world.

Goggins shared stories about his unconventional childhood, primarily raised by a group of entertaining women, including his grandmother, mother, and aunts. Their vibrant personalities and storytelling abilities heavily influenced Goggins’ love for performing. Growing up, their porch became their stage, where they would gather to share stories and entertain each other.

Although Goggins initially wanted to see the world before diving into acting, he couldn’t deny the pull of storytelling. He described acting as a place where he felt comfortable and belonged. This profound connection to the art form led Goggins to start working in Atlanta at the age of 14. From there, his career took off, and he gradually built an impressive portfolio of diverse roles.

Conan O’Brien pointed out a distinctive quality in Goggins’ characters that resonated with him. Whether it’s his roles in shows like “Vice Principals,” “Justified,” or “Righteous Gemstones,” Goggins has a knack for playing entertaining and witty characters. O’Brien believes that this natural charisma stems from Goggins’ own personality. According to O’Brien, an actor cannot convincingly portray a funny character if they aren’t genuinely funny themselves—an observation that Goggins agrees with.

During the interview, O’Brien referenced a flashback scene from “Righteous Gemstones,” where Goggins surprises viewers with his exceptional clogging and dancing skills. Goggins shared that his mother, an excellent dancer herself, enrolled him in clogging lessons at a young age. Growing up, dancing, drinking, and celebrating were integral parts of his life. Goggins expressed his gratitude for these experiences, as they contributed to shaping him as an individual.

Goggins also debunked a stereotype associated with him. Despite having a diverse taste in music, including Radiohead and Ethiopian Jazz, people often assume he only listens to country music, such as Waylon Jennings or Willie Nelson. Goggins embraces his multifaceted interests and hobbies, making it clear that he is not defined by narrow stereotypes.

The interview concluded on a light-hearted note as Conan O’Brien jestingly remarked that Goggins’ unique skills, including clogging and hog calling, could make him an excellent hangout companion. The actor agreed with a touch of modesty, stating that while he may not be funny in the same way as comedians, he can still bring humor to any situation.

Conan O’Brien‘s conversation with Walton Goggins offered a fascinating insight into both the actor’s personal journey and his versatile talent. From his unconventional upbringing to his passion for storytelling and his surprising dance skills, Goggins continues to impress both on and off the screen. With his undeniable charisma and ability to embody captivating characters, Goggins is undoubtedly an actor to watch in the world of entertainment.