In a recent episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” Stephen Colbert and his wife, Evie McGee Colar, made a special appearance to promote their upcoming cookbook. Titled “Does This Taste Funny?” the cookbook is a compilation of recipes inspired by their time in quarantine and their shared love for food.

During the show, Stephen and Evie shared the story behind their cookbook. Like many Americans, they found themselves trapped at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, unable to dine out or explore new eateries. This led them to rediscover old family recipes and the comfort of home-cooked meals. Motivated by their love for the food they grew up with, the couple decided to write a book encapsulating their culinary journey during the pandemic.

One of the highlights of the cookbook is a section dedicated to cocktails, particularly the “C Bear Bump.” This unique drink is an adaptation of George Washington’s favorite cocktail, the Cherry Bounce. Made with gin, cherry liqueur, fresh lemon juice, and a splash of soda water, the C Bear Bump is undoubtedly a refreshing and flavorful concoction.

Moving on from cocktails, Stephen and Evie delighted the audience by preparing a classic Low Country Breakfast. Hailing from Charleston, South Carolina, this traditional breakfast features shrimp and hominy, locally known as “homy.” While technically similar to grits, Charlestonians prefer the grandeur of calling it homy. As Evie cooked the shrimp, Stephen shared his thoughts on the unnecessary presence of tails on restaurant-served shrimp, lightheartedly calling it the equivalent of eating someone’s toenail clippings.

As the couple continued to demonstrate their kitchen skills, the chemistry between Stephen and Evie was evident. Despite occasional kitchen bossiness complaints from Stephen, their collaboration in creating delicious dishes was a testimony to their compatibility not just as a couple but as co-authors of the cookbook.

The Late Show host mentioned that the cookbook also includes collard greens, despite his initial reluctance. Evie’s insistence on including this Charleston staple highlights the cultural significance of certain food pairings. The book ensures an honest portrayal of Stephen’s preferences while also exploring the dynamic world of flavors.

The couple’s banter, mixed with their obvious love for cooking, made the episode entertaining and engaging. Stephen’s joke about his expensive suit and the potential dangers of hot butter brought a lighthearted tone to the segment.

The episode also showcased the attractive visuals featured throughout the cookbook, with Evie mentioning that the book includes beautiful photographs. For those who prefer a more visual experience, the book offers an appealing array of snapshots to accompany the recipes.

To entice viewers to purchase their cookbook, Stephen and Evie noted that each audience member received a copy. Viewers at home were encouraged to scan the QR code on the screen to pre-order their own copy, ensuring they experienced the joy of exploring Stephen and Evie’s culinary adventures.

“Does This Taste Funny?” promises to be an exciting addition to the world of cookbooks. With its heartfelt storytelling, vibrant photos, and mouthwatering recipes, this culinary journey with Stephen Colbert and Evie McGee Colar is definitely something worth looking forward to. Stay tuned for the release of their cookbook on September 17th and get ready to embark on an unforgettable food experience.