On a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the talk show host wasted no time diving into the latest political developments. With only 47 shopping days left until the election, Colbert pointed out that CVS has already started playing “Hail to the Chief.” However, he quickly switched gears to focus on the surging popularity of Kamala Harris after her impressive performance in the debates.

Colbert then turned his attention to Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, who is already trailing in the polls by 11 points. Robinson’s campaign has been plagued by controversy, including a viral clip from 2020 where he expressed his desire to go back to a time when women couldn’t vote. To make matters worse, it was revealed that Robinson used to frequent a porn shop as often as five nights a week.

But the real bombshell came from a series of inflammatory comments Robinson made on a pornography website’s message board over a decade ago. In these comments, he referred to himself as a “black Nazi” and expressed his admiration for Hitler over the politicians in Washington. Colbert couldn’t help but mock Robinson’s ability to stay focused on the topic at hand during his porn escapades.

Shifting gears, Colbert highlighted the importance of white male voters in the upcoming election. Trump currently leads Harris among white men without a college degree, but Harris is not backing down. White Dudes for Harris, a fundraising group, rolled out a $10 million ad campaign targeting young white men. In a humorous ad, Tony Pepperoni, a self-proclaimed researcher, encourages white men to think for themselves and vote for who they want, regardless of what Trump and his supporters say.

In an attempt to sway voters in deep blue New York, Trump held a rally in Long Island and vowed to win the state. Despite the fact that Trump lost New York by 23 points in both 2016 and 2020, he made a convincing argument for why New Yorkers should pick him: “What the hell do you have to lose?”

Colbert couldn’t help but mock Trump’s nostalgia for old New York, reminiscing about a time when hamburgers cost only 12 cents. The host jokingly pointed out that he was kicked out of the race for talking about “old guy stuff” like pony soldiers, while Trump gets to stay in despite his outdated references.

Finally, Colbert shared the amusing story of Mayor Eric Adams kicking off the first-ever National Urban Rat Summit in New York City. Adams highlighted the disturbing encounters New Yorkers have with rats and painted a picture of fearless rodents roaming the streets. Attendees from Vancouver even commented on how the rats in New York are bolder compared to their Canadian counterparts.

All in all, the latest episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert provided plenty of entertainment and political commentary. From Harris’s surge in the polls to Robinson’s scandalous past, Colbert left no stone unturned in dissecting the current political landscape.