In a recent episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show, talk show host Ellen had an entertaining and lively conversation with Simon Cowell and Sean Astin. The episode started with Simon showcasing his singing skills, surprising Ellen and the audience with his impressive voice. Simon sang an Anita Baker song, “With All My Heart I Love You Baby,” leaving everyone in awe.

Ellen, being her usual witty self, jokingly remarked that it wasn’t her show but Simon’s. The audience applauded Simon’s performance, showing their appreciation for his singing talent. Ellen thanked Simon for his performance and expressed her gratitude with a round of applause.

Moving on from the musical interlude, Ellen continued with the monologue portion of the show. Playfully, she mentioned the audience’s voting devices and teased them about not voting in the previous days. Ellen remarked that she couldn’t understand if people were confused or just plain lazy, emphasizing the importance of audience participation in the show.

Ellen proceeded to present three topics for the audience to choose from for the monologue: flower arranging, librarians, and night owls. The audience enthusiastically voted for their favorite topic, which turned out to be night owls. Ellen playfully discussed the different types of night owls, including the nocturnal animals and the people who stay up all night.

The conversation then shifted gears, and Ellen introduced her first guest, Simon Cowell. She humorously described Simon as the “bad boy” of American Idol and acknowledged his presence on the cover of People magazine. Simon discussed the competitive nature of the current season of American Idol and mentioned his fondness for a country singer named Carrie, who he saw as a strong contender.

Ellen and Simon engaged in a light-hearted conversation about their on-screen dynamics and the occasional disagreements between the American Idol judges. Simon emphasized the importance of winning the competition and how being a runner-up doesn’t carry the same weight. However, he praised the talent and authenticity of the contestants, especially mentioning the country genre and his desire to see it make a comeback.

After their conversation, Ellen introduced a game called “Humdinger” to involve the audience. Simon was tasked with identifying songs that audience members hummed while wearing headphones. If Simon guessed the song correctly, the audience member won a prize. Despite Simon’s initial struggles, the game was filled with laughter and entertainment.

The episode then took an unexpected turn as Ellen addressed her previous offer to help actress Tara Reid find love. Ellen shared that she had received video submissions from potential suitors interested in dating Tara. The show aired a few videos from guys hoping to win Tara’s heart, and Ellen promised to continue the matchmaking process for Tara, hinting at the possibility of featuring more matchmaking attempts on the show.

Overall, the episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show featuring Simon Cowell and Sean Astin was filled with laughter, musical performances, and entertaining conversations. Ellen’s wit and humor shone through, providing an enjoyable and lively viewing experience for both the audience in the studio and the viewers at home.

Originally aired on February 17, 2005