In a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, renowned journalist Chris Wallace made a guest appearance to promote his new book, “Countdown 1960”. This book aims to shed light on the first televised debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, a pivotal moment in American politics. Wallace, having covered every major event in American politics throughout his career, shared his insights with Colbert and took the audience on a journey through the recent political landscape.

Wallace, known for his extensive interviews with politicians and celebrities alike, revealed that the past few months have been nothing short of dramatic. Reflecting on the Trump-Biden debate, he described it as a revelation and an eye-opener. The subsequent events that followed, including the push for Trump to leave office graciously, were quite unprecedented.

Colbert, always one to add humor to the conversation, questioned Wallace about his impressions of Joe Biden during the election season. Wallace revealed that even he had not met Biden before and that the sudden appearance of a new, more energetic Biden raised questions about how long he had been around. This raised the important question of whether Kamala Harris and the people surrounding Joe Biden had concealed this transformation from the American voters.

One month later, Joe Biden dropped out of the race, a decision that did not come as a shock to Wallace. As a seasoned political reporter, he has learned to anticipate such turns of events. Wallace attributes Biden’s decision to factors such as George Clooney’s article in The New York Times, urging him to leave the race, and Nancy Pelosi’s remarks about him needing more time to make up his mind. These instances hinted at Biden’s probable departure from the race.

Moving on to recent news, Wallace commented on the Supreme Court’s ruling regarding presidential immunity. He called it “crazy” and “complete nonsense”. The ruling came as a surprise because, for 250 years, presidents did not have immunity for official acts. Wallace highlighted that there had never been a ruling like this before due to the unprecedented actions of Donald Trump, who contested the election and attempted to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. The Supreme Court’s decision to address this matter was a new and chilling development.

Wallace also pointed out the composition of the Supreme Court, with a 6-3 conservative majority and three justices appointed by Trump, raising concerns of bias. Additionally, three of the justices who were part of the majority had previously worked for the Bush campaign in 2000, during which they were involved in the Brooks Brothers Riot, a protest similar to the events of January 6th. These facts cast a damning shadow over the Supreme Court’s objectivity.

Throughout the conversation, it was clear that Wallace held strong opinions about the current state of American politics. His perspectives offered valuable insights into the political landscape and raised important questions that need to be addressed. As the interview ended, the audience was left pondering the intricacies of the political world and eagerly awaiting Wallace’s new book, “Countdown 1960”.

Overall, Chris Wallace‘s appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert was lively and informative, injecting entertainment into political discourse. With his wealth of experience and sharp analysis, Wallace provided an engaging glimpse into the world of journalism and American politics.