In a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the talk show host addressed the devastating weather conditions in Florida caused by what has been dubbed a “once in a Thousand-Year event”. With over 3 million residents left without power, Kimmel wasted no time in highlighting the absurdity of blaming the White House for the storm, especially after House Republicans from Florida voted against keeping FEMA fully funded.

But the weather wasn’t the only topic on Kimmel’s agenda. He also delved into the outrageous claims being made by Trump and his “crack team of wing nuts”. Marjorie Taylor Green, in particular, has been pushing the idea that Democrats can control the weather and are deliberately targeting Republican voting districts. These claims have not only been believed by some, but they have also resulted in meteorologists receiving death threats and angry messages from viewers accusing them of covering up the truth.

Kimmel couldn’t help but express his disbelief at the state of affairs, jokingly suggesting that maybe America just needs a reboot. He sympathized with local weather forecasters who are already under pressure to predict the weather accurately and now have to deal with the fallout from outrageous conspiracy theories.

To further highlight the absurdity of these claims, Kimmel shared an interview with the Good Liars, who attended a Trump rally and met a woman who genuinely believed that the government could control the weather. This exchange only served to emphasize the extent to which Trump has divided the nation, to the point where people no longer agree about the weather itself.

Moving on from the weather, Kimmel shifted his focus to the upcoming election. As early voting is now underway in a dozen states, he couldn’t help but mention Kamala Harris, who he claims has been bombarding him with emails that make him feel like he’s going through a breakup. Kimmel then expressed his frustration with the fact that the polls suggest a tight race, wondering how this election could possibly be so close.

Trump’s recent campaign strategy also caught Kimmel’s attention. Instead of focusing on swing states, the president has been holding rallies in solidly blue states such as California, Illinois, and New York. Kimmel found this strategy puzzling, considering that Trump is trailing by a wide margin in these states.

Putting forth his theory, Kimmel compared Trump’s situation to the story of King Midas. Trump believes he can turn everything he touches into gold, but now that he has reached the pinnacle of power, he finds himself unable to break the spell. Kimmel suggests that deep down, Trump knows the only way to reverse this curse is to lose the election. Hence, he is sabotaging himself by campaigning in states where he has no hope of winning.

As the episode continued, Kimmel pointed out the irony of Trump’s “Made in China” products. Despite his constant calls to “Buy American,” Kimmel found that the majority of Trump-branded products are actually manufactured overseas. From scarves to hats, many items proudly displaying the Trump name are made in China, drawing attention to the president’s hypocrisy.

To add a humorous touch to the episode, Kimmel showcased the “Trumpy Trout,” an animatronic talking fish that parodies Trump’s infamous remarks caught on tape. Promising to “make fishing great again,” the “Trumpy Trout” claims to understand the needs of red-blooded alpha male patriots and offers them comfort with its flapping fins and supple lips. Kimmel couldn’t help but mock this ludicrous product and its exaggerated claims.

In conclusion, Jimmy Kimmel Live provided a lively and entertaining episode, covering a range of topics from the weather to the upcoming election and even showcasing a hilarious parody product. As always, Kimmel’s sharp wit and humor were on full display, making this talk show episode an entertaining watch for viewers.