In a recent episode of the popular talk show, The Graham Norton Show, two beloved actors from the classic film Love Actually sat down for a chat. The conversation between them was both humorous and insightful, giving fans a glimpse into their experiences working on the beloved movie.
The actors in question were none other than Emma Thompson and Martin Freeman, who played brother and sister in Love Actually but also portrayed lovers in Sense and Sensibility. The chemistry between the two was evident as they reminisced about their time on set.
Thompson revealed that Freeman was initially quite grumpy when they first started working together. However, she quickly realized that his grumpiness stemmed from the fact that he had known her for years and knew she wouldn’t easily give in to his charms. Thompson humorously admitted that she couldn’t have been less interested in him at the time.
Their conversation then turned to the other films they had worked on together before they became famous. They mentioned two lesser-known films, “Showan” and “Remains of the Day.” Freeman even jokingly mentioned that Thompson’s talent for crying on screen was sensational, referencing her memorable crying scenes in Love Actually.
Speaking of Love Actually, the conversation took a lighthearted turn as Thompson shared her secret to crying on command. She humorously claimed that she needed a woman to blow Vic’s Sinex into her eye to produce the necessary emotion for a crying scene. Freeman joined in the laughter, remarking that even with that technique, all he ended up with was three yards of snot.
The conversation then shifted to Freeman’s role in Love Actually as a stand-in for a porn double. He explained that he was originally meant to be a double on set for a high-end movie, but the role ended up having some provocative scenes. Thompson jokingly mentioned that Freeman had to get rid of his impressive eight-pack for the role, as the director wanted his character to be more relatable.
The actors also discussed the filming process for Love Actually, with Freeman revealing that they shot the film in just 18 days. Thompson added that the script was around 180 to 190 pages long and that they had to come up with tricks to remember all the dialogue. Freeman even shared a funny anecdote about using a photo of Robert Duval holding Marlon Brando’s lines in The Godfather as inspiration.
The conversation later transitioned to other projects they had worked on, including their individual experiences with sex scenes. Thompson jokingly asked Freeman if he found it worse to sing in front of a large audience or to do sex faces on camera. Freeman responded humorously, admitting that he had to do a lot of strange sex faces in a film directed by David Cronenberg.
The discussion continued to touch on various topics, such as Freeman’s energetic dance sequence in Love Actually and Thompson’s encounters with fans who have grown up watching the film every Christmas. Both actors shared humorous stories about their experiences on set and the reactions they receive from fans.
Overall, the conversation between Thompson and Freeman on The Graham Norton Show provided an entertaining and lively look back at Love Actually and their shared experiences working on the beloved film. It was a humorous and insightful glimpse into the behind-the-scenes moments that made the movie so memorable.