In a recent episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show, actor Jimmy Smits engaged in an entertaining lightsaber duel with the renowned host. The chat show, known for its lively and fun atmosphere, did not disappoint as Smits and Degeneres showcased their playful sides.

During their conversation, Smits spoke about his appearance on the cover of Cigar Magazine. Although he admitted to not being a frequent cigar smoker, he attributed his appearance on the magazine to his role in a Broadway play that involved a cigar rolling family in the 1930s. Degeneres complimented Smits on his look with the cigar, adding that it suited him well.

The conversation then took a turn towards Smits’ recent ACL injury and subsequent surgery. Smits shared that he had torn his ACL and had undergone a repair surgery. He humorously mentioned that the ligament used for the surgery was from a cadaver. Degeneres, being her witty self, commented on the fact that people now have options to put metal and screws in their joints, to which Smits jokingly replied that he also had screws in his ACL.

The topic of Smits’ injury led to a discussion about his past involvement in sports, particularly football. Smits revealed that the ACL tear was a result of an old football injury that resurfaced. He mentioned that he had played football in high school and college, and even though he had to make the tough decision to quit football for his passion for acting, he faced some social repercussions. Smits humorously narrated how he had to give up his football jacket and was no longer able to sit with his teammates at lunch. However, he emphasized that now, his former teammates are happy for him and his successful acting career.

The conversation then shifted to Smits’ role in the popular TV show, The West Wing. When asked about his chances of becoming the president, Smits playfully replied that voting for him was the way to go. He expressed his enjoyment of working on the show and praised his co-star, Martin Sheen, for constantly wearing underwear from the show. Degeneres even presented Smits with a specially designed pair of Ellen underwear, jokingly suggesting that he continue the tradition.

Towards the end of the episode, the talk turned to Smits’ involvement in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. Smits shared that he had a small role in the movie, but amusingly mentioned that he did not get a lightsaber. A surprised Degeneres presented Smits with a gift from Master Replicas – a lightsaber of his own. The actor was thrilled, and the audience joined in the excitement.

The lively banter between Jimmy Smits and Ellen Degeneres during this episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show was a delight to watch. The chat show continues to entertain viewers with its fun and engaging content, leaving audiences eagerly awaiting what surprises and entertaining moments will come next.


The Ellen Degeneres Show, Season [Insert Season Number], Episode [Insert Episode Number], Air Date: [Insert Air Date]

– IMDb: [Link to IMDb page of the particular episode]

Originally aired on May 23, 2005