During a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, Tom Hanks opened up about his doubts while filming the iconic movie “Forrest Gump.” In conversation with O’Brien, Hanks shared that he questioned whether anyone would even care to watch the film.

Hanks recalled the moment on set when he was sitting on a bench with director Robert Zemeckis during a break from shooting. Feeling exhausted from the rigorous filming schedule and unsure if he could remember all the dialogue, Hanks expressed his concerns to Zemeckis. He suggested using cue cards instead, but Zemeckis reassured him that they would make it work.

Undeterred, Hanks and the rest of the cast pushed through, shooting the scene in Cherokee Square in Savannah within a day. Hanks humorously remarked that at one point, he even asked if the print on the cards could be made bigger for the first few takes.

Voicing his worries to Zemeckis, Hanks wondered if anyone would truly care about seeing a person dressed in a kooky ice cream suit sitting on a park bench saying lines. However, Zemeckis wisely responded, “That’s the thing about making movies, Tom. It’s a minefield. We don’t know if we’re sewing the seeds of our own destruction or not.”

Reflecting on the experience, Hanks emphasized that every moment spent in front of the camera is uncertain. He compared it to his later movie, “Cloud Atlas,” which he believed would be a success but didn’t garner the same attention as “The Incredibles” at the time of release. Regardless, Hanks stressed that all he could do was show up and give his best performance, regardless of the circumstances.

He revealed that sometimes, shooting a lighthearted scene requires digging deep and finding the motivation to perform, even if it means going through personal struggles. Conversely, there are also days when an actor must tap into dark emotions despite having a fun-filled night with the crew. Hanks’ advice to aspiring actors is to embrace the challenges and go all in, regardless of what emotions they are grappling with.

Hanks summarized the unpredictability of the acting world perfectly, stating, “It’s a minefield, Conan. It’s a minefield.” Clearly, his doubts about “Forrest Gump” were unfounded, as the film went on to become a beloved classic. But it serves as a reminder that even the biggest stars can question their impact in the entertainment industry.