In a recent episode of the talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” actor Matt Smith shared the exciting details of his audition for the iconic role of Doctor Who. Smith revealed that his journey to becoming the beloved Time Lord began when his mom randomly texted him suggesting that he should be the next Doctor. Intrigued by the idea, Smith auditioned for the role in two secret auditions and eventually received the life-changing news that he had secured the part.

During the interview, Smith expressed his enthusiasm for playing the Doctor, describing it as “the best part in British televisual history.” He explained that the role allows for infinite possibilities in terms of space, time, logic, and genre, making it an actor’s dream. Smith shared how he approached the audition with a clear, creative, and honest interpretation of the character.

When asked about his audition process, Smith disclosed that he was given a script from the upcoming series rather than an episode that had already been aired. He also discussed the challenges of keeping his role a secret for three months after finding out that he had landed the part, only sharing the news with his mom, dad, and granddad.

Smith’s excitement about the role was palpable as he spoke about the infinite narrative possibilities and the chance to explore different facets of the Doctor’s character. He emphasized that his Doctor would become more assured as the series evolved and teased the ingenious introduction of the new companion, Amy, played by Karen Gillan.

The interview took an entertaining turn as Smith showcased the Doctor’s iconic Sonic Screwdriver, revealing that the prop he held was the actual one used on the show. He joked about using it to check readings and playfully brandished it, demonstrating his natural affinity for the character.

Throughout the conversation, Smith also shared snippets about the upcoming series, including hints about the redesigned Tardis and the introduction of new locations such as Croatia and the mystic Puzzlewood forest. He revealed that Stonehenge plays a significant role in one episode, featuring a storyline centered around Druids.

As the interview drew to a close, Smith expressed his hopes of staying in the role for at least another year, preferably a couple more years. He acknowledged the pressure of following in the footsteps of David Tennant, who was widely praised for his portrayal of the Doctor, but expressed confidence that he would bring his own unique interpretation to the character.

In conclusion, Matt Smith‘s appearance on “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” provided a glimpse into his audition journey and his excitement for taking on the role of the Doctor. Fans of the show can look forward to the upcoming series, which promises to deliver thrilling adventures with the new Doctor and his fiery redheaded companion, Amy.