During the interview, Timberlake and Carr discussed a range of topics, including Timberlake’s love for Britain and specifically, scones. Timberlake revealed that he is a big fan of scones and particularly enjoys them with clotted cream and jam. Carr asked Timberlake about the different ways people enjoy scones and Timberlake explained that it can vary depending on the region. He mentioned how in Cornwall, they traditionally put the jam on first, then the clotted cream, while in Devon, it’s the opposite. Timberlake’s enthusiasm for scones was evident as he shared his personal experience with different regional scone traditions.

The conversation then shifted to Timberlake’s new film, “Runner Runner,” in which he plays a poker player who loses all his money on a poker website and seeks revenge from the site’s owner, played by Ben Affleck. Timberlake shared an interesting behind-the-scenes tidbit, revealing that the film’s plot was influenced by a real-life incident where an online poker site was shut down due to fraudulent activities. The cast and crew were able to incorporate this into the film, making it even more intriguing.

Carr couldn’t resist bringing up Timberlake’s musical career and the discussion touched on his transition from being a pop star to an actor. Timberlake mentioned that he’s been exploring ways to modernize the musical genre and has been pitching ideas to various people in the industry. He expressed his interest in creating something that combines modern elements like Twitter without losing the essence of a traditional musical. Timberlake’s curiosity and willingness to experiment with different artistic styles were evident as he discussed his ideas for a modern musical.

The interview also touched on Timberlake’s return to music after a seven-year break. He released his album “The 20/20 Experience” this year and Carr praised the album’s success. Timberlake admitted that he had some concerns about coming back to music after such a long hiatus, but the positive reaction from both fans and critics quickly put his worries to rest. Carr specifically mentioned Timberlake’s memorable performance at the VMAs, where he brought his former *NSYNC bandmates on stage. Timberlake described the experience as incredibly humbling and mentioned that there was a lot of rehearsal involved to get the performance just right.

Carr’s humor was on full display throughout the interview, and he even playfully teased Timberlake about the cover of his album “The 20/20 Experience.” Carr jokingly mentioned how he wears glasses and felt a bit left out by the eye test concept on the album cover. Timberlake responded in good spirits, mentioning that he too wears glasses along with contact lenses, and reassured Carr that no offense was intended.

Overall, Timberlake’s interview on “Alan Carr: Chatty Man” was entertaining and lively. His infectious enthusiasm for scones, his insights into the making of “Runner Runner,” and his thoughts on music and acting provided a glimpse into the multi-talented artist’s life and career. The interview showcased Timberlake’s charm and wit, making it a must-watch for his fans and anyone interested in fun and engaging interviews.