In a heartwarming episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson,” comedy legend Lucille Ball received a surprise visit from her son, Desi Arnaz Jr. The mother-son duo delighted the audience with their candid and charming banter.

As Lucille and Desi held hands, the audience couldn’t help but be touched by their close bond. Carson complimented Desi, saying, “He’s comforting, isn’t he? He’s not just pretty.” Lucille agreed, stating how much she missed Johnny when he wasn’t there.

Johnny asked Lucille about her decision to leave her iconic show, “I Love Lucy.” Lucille clarified that she hadn’t quit television altogether; instead, she had other projects lined up and preferred her departure from the series to not be mentioned as “quitting.” She assured fans that she still had plenty of reruns to enjoy and that she would be staying in television with upcoming specials.

The conversation then turned to Lucille’s children. She proudly shared that all her kids were doing well. Her daughter, Lucy, was currently on the road with a national production of “Seesaw.” Lucille mentioned that she and her daughter were considering doing a couple of specials together, as her daughter’s busy schedule allowed for such collaborations.

Johnny inquired about Lucille’s role as a mother, particularly if she still gave her kids advice. Lucille revealed that she had already provided her children with all the advice and training she could. Now that they were adults, they were making their own decisions and mistakes, which she believed was an essential part of their growth.

As the conversation lightened, Carson surprised Lucille by showing a film clip from her latest picture. Lucille’s face lit up as she watched her own performance on the screen. However, the biggest surprise of the night came when Desi appeared in the clip, joining his mother on stage. The audience erupted into applause as Lucille and Desi shared a sweet and emotional reunion.

Desi explained that he had been working on a nearby set and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see his mother. Lucille expressed her delight at seeing him and thanked him for the surprise visit. She revealed that Desi’s room was still intact at her home, filled with boxes and awaiting his return.

The segment ended with heartfelt gratitude from Lucille, thanking Johnny for the chance to catch up and reminiscing about the time she gave him a ride home in her Aston Martin. The audience laughed along as Lucille playfully teased Johnny about the car breaking down.

It was a memorable episode filled with love, laughter, and surprises. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz Jr.‘s appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” showcased their special mother-son bond, leaving everyone in the audience feeling warm and nostalgic.

Originally aired on March 22, 1974