Fans of the popular talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” were treated to a delightful and entertaining episode recently. The show featured none other than the legendary Sir Roger Moore, known for his iconic role as James Bond. The charming and witty actor shared some fascinating stories from his childhood and his illustrious career.

During the interview, Sir Roger Moore revealed that he was initially terrified when he was bestowed with the title of Sir in 2002. He even had nightmares about the ceremony, fearing that he wouldn’t be able to kneel and get up gracefully. However, with the support and guidance of his friend Michael Kay, he successfully navigated the ceremony and came away feeling honored and proud.

The conversation then turned to Sir Roger Moore‘s recently released book, “My Word is My Bond.” The actor confessed that it took him quite some time to gather the courage to write about the people he knew. He didn’t want to embarrass anyone or risk upsetting them, so he waited until everyone involved had passed away. This book serves as a memoir and a tribute to his remarkable career.

Speaking of his career, Sir Roger Moore fondly reminisced about his time at MGM, one of the major studios in Hollywood. Under contract for two years, he had the opportunity to mingle with and be inspired by legendary stars such as Ava Gardner, Howard Peel, and Clark Gable. It was a dream come true for the young actor, who found himself starstruck in the presence of his idols.

One of the most amusing anecdotes shared by Sir Roger Moore during the interview was about his pet monkey, Jimmy. As a young boy, he had a rhesus monkey named Jimmy, who was quite mischievous. Jimmy would often steal food and keep it in his pouches, and he had a habit of terrorizing the neighborhood. Sir Roger Moore recalled an incident where Jimmy grabbed a passerby’s hair and caused quite a scene with a teapot. Another time, Jimmy managed to sneak into a bathroom and left muddy paw prints all over the walls. Clearly, Jimmy lived an exciting and eventful life.

The interview was not without its lighter moments either. Sir Roger Moore shared his experience of working with Tony Curtis on the television series “The Persuaders.” He revealed that before they even started filming, they both visited Los Angeles together. It was during this trip that Tony Curtis, known for his advocacy against smoking, secretly smoked marijuana and even got fined for possessing it upon his arrival in the UK. This amusing tale served to showcase the chemistry and camaraderie between these two talented actors.

The conversation also touched upon Sir Roger Moore‘s time as James Bond. When asked about his thoughts on the current Bond, Daniel Craig, Sir Roger Moore expressed his support and admiration. He revealed that he had protested against the negative publicity surrounding Daniel Craig’s casting, and he thoroughly enjoyed Craig’s portrayal of the iconic character in “Casino Royale.”

To cap off the interview, Jonathan Ross surprised Sir Roger Moore with a birthday pork pie, as his birthday was just around the corner. Ever the appreciative guest, Sir Roger Moore thanked Jonathan and expressed his fondness for pork pies, even mentioning his love for eating them with ketchup.

Fans of both the talk show and Sir Roger Moore were undoubtedly entertained and pleased by this engaging interview. The episode served as a reminder of Sir Roger Moore‘s immense talent, wit, and charming personality. It also showcased the easy rapport and banter between him and Jonathan Ross, making for a delightful and lively conversation that left viewers wanting more.