Lewis Hamilton, the leader of the Formula One world championships, recently appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show, where he discussed his latest win and his ongoing rivalry with Sebastian Vettel. Hamilton, who is on the verge of becoming the greatest British Formula One driver of all time, shared his excitement about his current position in the championships and his love for the dangerous sport.

During the show, Hamilton talked about his recent victory at the Singapore Grand Prix, where he started in fifth position and worked his way up to first place. He discussed the challenges of starting in a lower position and the criticism he receives for winning from the front. Hamilton acknowledged that he understands why some fans may find it less exciting to watch races where the outcome seems predictable.

When asked about his main competition, Hamilton identified Sebastian Vettel as his closest rival. Despite the intense competition, Hamilton expressed respect for Vettel as an incredible athlete and one of the best drivers in the sport. He also commented on his teammate, Valtteri Bottas, explaining the unusual dynamic of being teammates but also competitors for the driver’s championship.

Hamilton revealed the physical demands of Formula One racing, specifically the strain it puts on the neck due to the high levels of G-force. He explained that drivers experience forces equivalent to five to six times their body weight and described the sensation of having someone sit on you while navigating the corners.

The conversation then shifted to Hamilton’s personal life. Jonathan Ross asked if Hamilton was single, to which he confirmed, stating that he is currently focused on his racing career and various projects. Ross also questioned the age at which drivers typically retire, to which Hamilton explained that drivers tend to retire when their reaction times and physical strengths decline.

Hamilton admitted that retirement has crossed his mind, but he is currently fully invested in his racing career and still has many ambitions to achieve. He mentioned his desire to have other interests outside of Formula One and plans to assess his future every year. Hamilton emphasized the joy he experiences from the hard work and the opportunity to showcase his abilities on the track.

This interview on The Jonathan Ross Show gave Hamilton the chance to express his enthusiasm for the sport and his determination to continue racing for as long as he can. With his current success and ongoing rivalry, Hamilton remains focused on his goal of winning the championship and solidifying his legacy as one of the greatest British racing drivers of all time.

(Air Date: Unknown)