On a recent episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, comedian Patton Oswalt opened up about a hilarious incident from his high school days. As it turns out, Oswalt was nearly expelled for an incredibly unusual reason.

During his senior year, Oswalt admitted to losing interest in school, but instead of engaging in typical rebellious behavior like huffing paint or breaking windows, he had a rather unique way of cutting classes. Oswalt would leave school early under the pretense of selling ad space for his high school newspaper, only to embark on excursions to Washington D.C. to watch art films at the Odion or catch movies like Repo Man.

Describing himself as a “pretentious delinquent,” Oswalt would often skip school to pursue his passion for cinema, risking getting caught and facing serious consequences. Although his teachers never discovered his secret escapades, it’s safe to say that if caught, they would’ve deemed his truancy as more “high-brow” than rebellious.

Remarkably, Oswalt went on to reveal that he had the opportunity to give his high school commencement speech, despite not being the valedictorian. However, his speech didn’t quite go as planned. Oswalt made an analogy comparing high school to jazz, suggesting that it served as a foundation for improvisation in life. Unfortunately, his attempt at humor didn’t resonate with the audience, and his negative comments about the administration didn’t help either. The speech ended up being neither cheerful nor well-received.

To make matters worse, Oswalt later discovered that his Wikipedia page falsely claimed that he had exposed himself to the audience during his graduation speech. While Oswalt found the story amusing, he expressed a desire to change his Wikipedia profile picture instead. Regrettably, he was unable to modify it, as the image was taken during a premier where he had recently been dumped, leaving him looking miserable and disheveled.

Always up for some fun, James Corden and Nick Roll, the producer of The Late Late Show, decided to take matters into their own hands. They displayed a close-up shot of Nick’s face on the monitor, proposing it as Oswalt’s new Wikipedia picture. Their lighthearted banter added a touch of humor to the show, suggesting that they were willing to go the extra mile to rectify Oswalt’s unfortunate Wikipedia image.

Although Oswalt’s high school experience was far from ordinary, it only adds to his unique and hilarious persona. His journey from a mischievous student cutting class for sophisticated movie viewings to a successful comedian and actor reveals the humorous twists and turns of his life.

As more episodes of The Late Late Show with James Corden continue to delight viewers, it’s no surprise that celebrities like Patton Oswalt feel comfortable sharing their amusing anecdotes on the talk show. With its entertaining interviews and engaging segments, The Late Late Show with James Corden remains a must-watch for fans craving a good laugh.