In a recent episode of the talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay took on the challenge of cooking pan-fried baby octopus. Ramsay, known for his culinary expertise, admitted that he doesn’t cook much at home due to his wife’s skills in the kitchen. However, he was eager to try one of the show host’s recipes and have Ross taste his creation.

As Ramsay prepared to cook, he jokingly mentioned that he often eats out and loves good food, but doesn’t have much experience in the kitchen. He reassured Ross that the recipe was simple and anyone could do it. Meanwhile, Ross playfully engaged in banter, creating a lively and entertaining atmosphere.

Using a camping stove, Ramsay heated some oil in a pan and explained the importance of allowing the pan to get hot before adding the octopus. Ross observed the process with anticipation, jokingly comparing the cooking experience to a camping trip. Ramsay then added the baby octopus to the pan, causing laughter as he commented on its previous life in the sea.

As the octopus cooked, Ramsay seasoned it with salt and pepper. Ross, always ready with a witty comment, couldn’t help but tease Ramsay for being a bit rough with the seasoning. Ramsay retaliated, reminding Ross that the octopus was no longer alive and didn’t care about his gentle touch.

Once the baby octopus had a crispy golden exterior, Ramsay triumphantly presented the dish to Ross. The audience applauded, appreciating the skill and effort put into the cooking process. Ramsay sliced open one of the tentacles to reveal its contents, creating a playful moment between the two.

As Ross tasted the pan-fried baby octopus, Ramsay informed him that it may be slightly tough since it had been cooked for a bit too long. Nevertheless, both of them acknowledged that the flavor was surprisingly good. Ross, in his characteristic humor, compared the texture to that of rubbery chicken, causing laughter among the audience.

In the end, Ramsay and Ross shared a light-hearted moment, discussing the cookbook that inspired the recipe. Ross mentioned that the book came with a DVD, which Ramsay joked was helpful in explaining the steps, including the important instruction to clean the octopus. They concluded the segment with laughter and anticipation for more culinary adventures.

The episode, aired on [Air Date], showcased the delightful chemistry between Gordon Ramsay and Jonathan Ross. Ramsay’s attempt at cooking pan-fried baby octopus was not only entertaining but also demonstrated his willingness to step out of his comfort zone and try something new. As always, the talk show provided an engaging platform for celebrities to share their experiences and engage in lively conversation.