Graham Norton made a recent appearance on the talk show, Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, and the uncut interview has been making waves online. Known as one of the best-loved chat show hosts in the country, Norton charmed the audience with his wit and humor.

During the interview, Ross couldn’t help but comment on Norton’s looks, jokingly suggesting that he had undergone some cosmetic procedures. Norton dismissed the rumors, saying that he had considered getting his eyes done but ultimately decided against it. He emphasized that it’s important to accept and embrace one’s natural appearance.

Norton also revealed that he had spent the summer in Ireland, his home country. He talked about the warm reception he receives from the locals and how it feels to be recognized and admired there. Despite his fame, Norton insists that he doesn’t get bothered by fans that often.

The conversation then shifted to Norton’s own chat show, which has been a huge success. He mentioned that they recently made the move from a national network to BBC One, which is seen as a promotion in the industry. Norton expressed his excitement about the upcoming season and the impressive lineup of guests, including Ozzy Osbourne, Ricky Gervais, and Olivia Newton John.

Ross and Norton also discussed their shows airing on different nights, with Norton’s show premiering on Mondays and Ross’s show airing on Fridays. However, both hosts maintain a friendly relationship and dismiss any rumors of rivalry. They believe their shows complement each other, giving the audience plenty of laughter throughout the week.

The interview touched on Norton’s various endeavors, including his recent performance as a drag queen in the West End. Norton admitted that he struggled at first but eventually gained confidence and was proud of his performance. He fondly mentioned how his friends and family supported him and attended his shows.

Norton and Ross also discussed Norton’s involvement in the Eurovision Song Contest, where he took over from Terry Wogan as the host. Despite the pressure, Norton received positive feedback for his hosting skills and quickly made the role his own.

The interview ended on a lighthearted note, with Norton joking about his friendship with Andrew Lloyd Webber and teasing that he may try out for the role of Dorothy in the upcoming production of The Wizard of Oz. He expressed his anticipation for the show and the open auditions that will be held.

Fans of both Norton and Ross can look forward to more entertaining episodes of their respective shows, as they continue to bring laughter and joy to audiences. Stay tuned for more exciting guests and unforgettable moments.

The interview with Graham Norton on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross was certainly a fun-filled and lively discussion. With Norton’s charm and Ross’s wit, it was a memorable chat show segment that left viewers entertained and wanting more.