During a recent appearance on “The Late Late Show with James Corden,” Milo Ventimiglia shared an entertaining story about his surfing adventure with the Hemsworth brothers. Ventimiglia, known for his role in the hit TV series “This Is Us,” revealed that he had the opportunity to shoot a movie in Australia alongside Luke and Liam Hemsworth. As part of their downtime, Luke invited Ventimiglia to join him for a surfing session in Byron Bay.
Although Ventimiglia confessed that he wasn’t a skilled surfer, he eagerly accepted the invitation. He had some previous experience with surfing but considered himself far from an expert. Still, he saw this as a chance to enjoy the waves and the company of the Hemsworth brothers, along with Ricky Whittle and Russell Crowe.
Ventimiglia, expecting to surf at a relatively calm spot called “The Pass,” was surprised when Luke suggested they head up to a place called “Broken Heads.” A quick check on Surfline revealed that the waves were forecasted to be around 8 to 10 feet, which is significantly bigger than what Ventimiglia was accustomed to in California. However, Luke assured him that the waves were just three feet, downplaying the situation.
Ventimiglia decided to trust Luke’s judgment and ventured into the ocean. However, as soon as he paddled out, he realized that the waves were indeed massive. He managed to ride one wave all the way in, but the immense size of the waves quickly made him realize that he was out of his league. Convinced that he had reached his limit, he decided to call it a day, even though Luke was nowhere in sight.
Reflecting on the experience, Ventimiglia humorously confessed that while he had never expected to be the kind of person who backed out of surfing, it was clear that the waves were too daunting for him. In a lighthearted manner, he admitted that he couldn’t imagine a scenario in which he would willingly find himself in 8 to 10-foot waves again.
Despite his hilarious encounter with the Hemsworth brothers and his not-so-successful surfing attempt, Ventimiglia fondly remembers the experience. However, it’s safe to say that he won’t be joining Luke Hemsworth for another surf anytime soon.
Ventimiglia’s appearance on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” left the audience amused and entertained by his candid storytelling. As one of the most beloved celebrities in the entertainment industry, Ventimiglia continues to charm fans with his genuine and down-to-earth demeanor, both on and off-screen.