Sylvester Stallone made a guest appearance on the popular talk show Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, where he discussed a range of topics including his iconic movie characters and his latest film, Rambo. The actor, known for his roles in action-packed movies, spoke highly of his friend and fellow action star, Arnold Schwarzenegger, calling him a genius.

Stallone was warmly welcomed by the audience, who showed their admiration and respect for him. He expressed his surprise at the positive response he received from the British audience, acknowledging that British cinema is fantastic for its ability to combine great storytelling with action. Stallone mentioned that while his character Rocky is more popular in America, it is Rambo who receives more recognition from fans around the world.

The interview then turned to Stallone's Rocky movies, with Jonathan Ross humorously rating each film on a scale of one to ten. Stallone revealed that he considers the first Rocky movie to be a perfect ten, as it had a profound impact on aspiring boxers. He proceeded to rate the other installments, giving mixed scores but praising the training sequences and the unique qualities of each film.

The conversation shifted towards Stallone's latest movie, Rambo IV, which he also directed. Stallone shared that the film was set in Burma and dealt with the country's long-lasting civil war. He described it as a dangerous and intense film, highlighting the absence of CGI and the use of real stunts.

Jonathan Ross asked Stallone about his physical transformation for the role of Rambo, as he had aged since the first film was released. Stallone admitted that staying in shape was a daily struggle, but his dedication was evident. He mentioned how important it was for him to maintain a certain physicality for the role.

Regarding the future of the Rambo franchise, Stallone expressed his satisfaction with the character's development in the latest installment. Although he acknowledged the desire to see more of the character on screen, he believed that the story had reached a suitable conclusion. He jokingly mentioned that fighting arthritis wouldn't be a feasible plotline for a future film.

The conversation then touched on Stallone's writing career, particularly his success with the Rocky movie script. Stallone shared that he took the opportunity to write the script when it presented itself, as he had initially auditioned only for an acting role. He emphasized the importance of creating opportunities rather than waiting for them, highlighting his dedication to his craft.

As the interview progressed, Stallone opened up about his family life. He jokingly mentioned being the only male in a household full of females, including his wife, daughters, housekeeper, and even their pet dog. He lovingly mentioned that he enjoyed spending time with his family, even if it involved doing nothing more than being in their presence.

Jonathan Ross then brought up the topic of Stallone's daughters reaching dating age and how he planned to handle prospective suitors. Stallone humorously stated that any young man looking to date his daughters would have to go through him first, joking about his intimidating presence. He reassured the audience that he would ensure his daughters' safety and suggested that potential suitors might find themselves having various accidents that would prevent them from actually going on dates.

The interview concluded with a discussion about Stallone's relationship with his fellow action stars from the '80s. He mentioned that he keeps in touch with Arnold Schwarzenegger and expressed admiration for his multiple successful careers. Stallone referred to Schwarzenegger as a genius and commended his ability to achieve goals and get things done.

Fans of Stallone and action movies in general were undoubtedly entertained by the lively and engaging interview, which gave insight into the actor's career, personal life, and relationships in the industry.