In a recent episode of the renowned chat show, “The Late Show with David Letterman,” the audience was treated to a unique twist. Instead of the usual format, the top ten list was composed entirely by Joe Grossman, one of the show’s talented writers. Joe, a newlywed, shared his witty take on the topic of questions to ask oneself before letting your monkey tie the knot.

The show kicked off with David Letterman welcoming Joe to the stage. As David inquired about his newlywed life, Joe shared that things were going well but playfully mentioned that his wife had advised him not to talk about her on television.

Amidst laughter, David expressed his gratitude to Joe for curating the entire list. The category, “Questions to Ask Yourself Before Letting Your Monkey Get Married,” sparked curiosity and added to the entertainment factor of the show.

Joe proceeded to read the list, captivating the audience with his cleverly crafted questions. Each question sought to encapsulate the humor and unpredictability that comes with any relationship. For instance, the list included queries regarding the hiring of a monkey Rabbi, the necessity of a prenuptial agreement to protect a primate’s bananas, and the ability to get along with the monkey’s in-laws.

The lighthearted list also touched upon wedding essentials, such as choosing between a band or a DJ, and the possible newspaper headlines that may arise from a union between humans and monkeys. Joe even delved into monetary concerns, questioning whether the bride’s father could finance the wedding on his circus pension. Notably, he highlighted the potential attendance of a uniquely sinister bachelor party and the inevitable comparison of one’s life to a Kevin James movie.

The list concluded with an uproarious twist as it humorously explored the idea of the groom’s preference for a New York City gay monkey marriage. Finally, Joe wrapped up the countdown with a comical question regarding the availability of urine-proof tuxedos at Men’s Warehouse.

David Letterman commended Joe on his exceptional work, applauding his talent and congratulating him on his recent wedding. The audience responded with enthusiastic applause, appreciating the humorous and lively nature of the list.

The episode, which showcased Joe Grossman‘s comedic genius, was a testament to David Letterman‘s knack for creating engaging and entertaining content on his talk show. With memorable moments like these, “The Late Show with David Letterman” continues to captivate audiences worldwide with its unique blend of humor and celebrity interviews.