On a recent episode of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” host Stephen Colbert interviewed Chris Hayes, the host of “All In with Chris Hayes” and the creator of the podcast “Why Is This Happening.” The discussion covered a range of topics, including the age of presidential candidates, the political skill of Joe Biden and Donald Trump, media coverage of Trump, and the Republican party’s fascination with Russia.

Hayes started by addressing the age of the presidential candidates, noting that both Biden and Trump are older individuals. He explained that the baby boomer generation’s cultural and political dominance, coupled with their sheer numbers, has contributed to their sustained presence in American politics. Furthermore, incumbency plays a significant role in politics, and both Biden and Trump have the advantage of name recognition and political skill.

The conversation then shifted to media coverage of Trump, with Hayes expressing a different perspective from the criticism in 2016. He argued that the critique at that time was valid, as Trump received excessive free publicity, but the lesson was overlearned. Since Trump left the White House and was banned from social media platforms, he became an abstraction, and his odiousness became less apparent. Hayes suggested that putting Trump back on camera would serve as a reminder of his true character, as he is a figure that can elicit unease and discomfort.

Colbert and Hayes also delved into the Republican party’s interest in Russia. Hayes highlighted two reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, Hayes asserted that Vladimir Putin’s interference in the 2016 election to aid Trump’s victory created a debt between Trump, the Republicans, and Putin. They would like Putin’s help again in the 2024 election. Secondly, as the Republican party becomes more radicalized against democracy, they are increasingly drawn to foreign models of right-wing authoritarianism. Russia, along with figures like Viktor Orban, tantalizes them as alternative systems that could replace American democracy.

In conclusion, the conversation between Colbert and Hayes provided insights into the political landscape and shed light on the motivations and dynamics within the Republican party. Chris Hayes‘s analysis of the age of presidential candidates, media coverage of Trump, and the GOP’s infatuation with Russia added depth to the conversation, making it an engaging and illuminating segment of “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”