On a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, Chelsea Peretti made some interesting remarks about stand-up comedy. While being interviewed by Conan, Peretti opened up about her influences and her feelings towards the art form.

When asked about her stand-up influences, Peretti mentioned that it wasn’t stand-up comedians who inspired her the most. Instead, she expressed admiration for sketch players and comedic actors like Gilda Radner, Eddie Murphy, and Steve Martin. Peretti reminisced about watching Eddie Murphy‘s VHS tapes of “Saturday Night Live” and even watching his stand-up special “Raw” with her grandmother.

But when it comes to performing stand-up herself, Peretti admitted to having mixed feelings. She confessed that she doesn’t do stand-up as much anymore because she finds it to be a “flawed art form.” Peretti explained that she often gets fatigued listening to someone talk for an entire hour straight. She also mentioned feeling fixated on the jokes that didn’t land or comparing her performance to her best shows, which doesn’t leave her feeling good after being on stage.

The discussion then shifted to Peretti’s time on “Conan” and what she truly enjoyed about it. Peretti revealed that she loved the interplay and playfulness of the comedy game, where unexpected moments can arise. She expressed her fondness for starting a conversation as a normal person but being interrupted by someone dressed as a beekeeper or pretending to be a gold miner. This level of spontaneity was what she always wanted to experience in comedy.

Throughout the interview, Peretti’s honesty and self-awareness shone through. She acknowledged that she likes having a prepared set and bouncing ideas off others before going on stage. Improvisation, while exhilarating for some, terrified her. Peretti also shared that she would often talk quickly when bombing on stage, while her friend Brendan would slow down in response to the audience’s lack of engagement.

Conan O’Brien, known for his unique style and ability to thrive in chaotic situations, related to Peretti’s observations. He mentioned that during times when his material wasn’t clicking with the audience, he would sometimes embrace the silence as a form of enjoyment, almost like picking at a scab.

Peretti’s authenticity and ability to connect with the audience were traits that people loved about her. She didn’t rely solely on the jokes but instead used them as a device to reach those raw and organic moments. Peretti and Conan agreed that these moments of revealing the madness and pretending to be shocked at what was happening created a special dynamic on the show.

As the interview came to an end, it was clear that both Peretti and Conan had a shared understanding of the challenges and unpredictability that come with comedy. They both appreciated the relief that came from acknowledging the craziness around them, which ultimately endeared them to their audiences.

Chelsea Peretti‘s thoughts on stand-up as a “flawed art form” offered a refreshing perspective on the world of comedy. While some may disagree, her honesty and self-reflection add depth to the conversation and remind us that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to entertainment.