Esai Morales from the hit show ‘NYPD Blue’ made a memorable appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, leaving the audience in awe. Morales, known for his charismatic presence, shared an amusing story about meeting someone who named their baby after him. The actor expressed his gratitude and described it as a touching honor.

During the interview, Morales discussed his recent retirement from NYPD Blue and his involvement in other popular series such as ‘American Dreams’ and ‘American Family.’ He shared how he managed to balance multiple shows on different networks, maintaining his dedication to representing his Latino American heritage. Morales emphasized the importance of inclusion in television, hoping to change the landscape and create diverse representation for all families at the proverbial “family table.”

Ellen also complimented Morales on his exceptional talent and the outstanding reviews he received for his recent performances. His work in ‘NYPD Blue’ and ‘American Family’ garnered him praise, with some critics comparing his performances to those on The Sopranos, a highly acclaimed show. Morales expressed gratitude for the recognition, acknowledging the impact of positive reviews on his career.

The conversation then turned to Morales’s early beginnings in the entertainment industry. He revealed that he attended the renowned School of Performing Arts in New York, the inspiration behind the famous show ‘Fame.’ Morales recounted a poignant story about the challenges he faced as a young aspiring actor. Having run away from home multiple times, he eventually became a ward of the state and lived in a Home For Boys, determined to pursue his dreams. Morales demonstrated his unwavering commitment by breaking into his school after midnight to avoid being late. He vividly described the thrill of being in an empty auditorium and finding solace on top of a piano, surrounded by the velvet curtains of the stage. This memory became one of his fondest during his time at the school.

Ellen praised Morales for his perseverance and determination, highlighting the irony that instead of being late, he arrived at 2:30 in the morning to avoid disciplinary action. Morales acknowledged the risks he took by breaking into the school and humorously mentioned his fear of encountering Doberman pinschers, reminiscent of a TV movie. Despite the potential consequences, his determination paid off, as he successfully navigated through his studies and carved a path toward success.

Wrapping up the interview, Ellen thanked Morales for being a guest on the show and extended an open invitation for him to return. She also encouraged viewers to catch the season premiere of ‘American Family: Journey of Dreams’ on PBS, featuring a performance by the legendary Chaka Khan. With such a remarkable career and engaging personality, it’s no wonder Esai Morales is making waves in the entertainment industry.

Air date: [Not Provided]