In a recent episode of the talk show, “David Letterman,” Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson made an appearance and discussed his transition from wrestling to becoming a movie star. Johnson, who is currently starring in America’s number one film, “The Scorpion King,” expressed his gratitude for his success and how lucky he feels to have achieved such an accomplishment.
During the interview, David Letterman asked Johnson about his journey from wrestling to acting. Johnson revealed that he had always aspired to become an actor and saw wrestling as a stepping stone to fulfill that dream. His opportunity came when he was cast in “The Mummy Returns,” which ultimately led to his breakthrough role in “The Scorpion King.”
Letterman also asked Johnson about the reaction of his wrestling peers to his success in Hollywood. Surprisingly, Johnson stated that his fellow wrestlers have been extremely supportive and not at all jealous. The conversation even led to a heartwarming anecdote about how wrestling legend Whipper Billy Watson trained Johnson’s father, showing the deep connection Johnson has to the wrestling world.
Shifting gears, Letterman then touched on Johnson’s college football career at the University of Miami. Although Johnson played on the practice squad for the Calgary St. Peters in the Canadian Football League (CFL), he shared a humorous story about how he used to attend team meetings to score free sandwiches since the practice squad members were not required to attend.
Another interesting topic discussed during the interview was Johnson’s appearance at the Republican convention, where he had the opportunity to meet former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush. Johnson revealed that he had been unsure about who he was going to vote for until that moment, but the lack of security during his visit to the convention made him realize he wanted to vote for Bush.
The interview wrapped up with Johnson expressing his love for both wrestling and acting. Although he sees himself continuing to make occasional wrestling appearances, he is determined to grow as an actor and become a legitimate movie star.
This lively and engaging conversation between Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and David Letterman showcased Johnson’s journey from wrestling to Hollywood, his deep connections to the wrestling world, and his dedication to both his wrestling roots and his acting career. It is clear that Johnson’s electrifying presence has made him a force to be reckoned with in both sports entertainment and the film industry.