Tracy Sierra had quite the memorable appearance on the popular talk show, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Not only did she discuss her debut novel, Night Watching, but she also shared a hilarious story about being mistaken for actress Amy Poehler.

Tracy, who bears a striking resemblance to the Parks and Recreation star, revealed that she once signed an autograph as Amy Poehler during a bar crawl in Boston. The enthusiastic bar-goers were convinced that they were in the presence of the famous actress, and Tracy played along, leaving one guy pleasantly surprised the next day when he realized he had a moment with “Amy Poehler.”

But Tracy wasn’t just on the show to talk about mistaken identities. She was there to promote her debut novel, Night Watching. Tracy’s book received high praise from both fans and critics, and it even won the Fallon Book Club vote. Out of 16 great books, viewers chose Night Watching as the one they wanted to read together with Jimmy Fallon.

The thrilling novel explores the eerie atmosphere of an old New England home, drawing inspiration from Tracy’s own antique house. During the lockdown, she found herself trapped inside her house, which sparked feelings of claustrophobia and safety. These emotions, combined with her real-life secret room, served as the basis for the chilling and atmospheric setting of Night Watching.

The success of Night Watching didn’t stop at winning the Fallon Book Club vote. Tracy’s book received rave reviews, with critics hailing it as “one of the most terrifying and brilliant thrillers” they’ve ever read. The gripping story kept readers on the edge of their seats, unable to put the book down. Tracy’s talent for crafting suspenseful narratives captivated audiences and left them craving more.

The excitement doesn’t end there for Tracy Sierra. Night Watching has been optioned for a movie adaptation by Picturestart and Scott Free, the production company founded by acclaimed director Ridley Scott. This incredible opportunity further solidifies Tracy’s success as an author and opens new doors for her career in the entertainment industry.

The journey for Tracy and Night Watching has been a roller coaster ride, from starting out with modest sales to skyrocketing up the charts after winning the Fallon Book Club vote. Tracy’s connection with Jimmy Fallon‘s audience has been incredible, with their enthusiastic support and involvement elevating her book to new heights. The overwhelming response led to a reprint of Night Watching, proving that Tracy’s talent and captivating storytelling have struck a chord with readers around the world.

Tracy Sierra‘s appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon showcased her talent as an author and her infectious personality. With Night Watching receiving critical acclaim and a movie adaptation in the works, Tracy’s future in the literary and entertainment worlds looks incredibly promising. Keep an eye out for her name, as Tracy Sierra is definitely a rising star to watch out for.