In a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, host Stephen Colbert welcomed legendary talk show host David Letterman as his guest. The two hosts engaged in a deep and intimate conversation that allowed us, the audience, to get to know the heart of David Letterman in a way we never have before.

To kick things off, Colbert introduced a segment called the “C Bear Questionnaire,” a set of questions designed to penetrate the defenses of any guest and reveal their true selves to the American people. With typical humor, Colbert asked Letterman if he was ready to take on the challenge, and the veteran talk show host accepted with admirable courage.

The first question Colbert posed to Letterman was a lighthearted one: “What is the best sandwich?” Letterman’s response took us back to his childhood, where his mother would make fried baloney sandwiches. He humorously added that this could explain why he later needed heart surgery.

Moving on, Colbert asked about Letterman’s first concert, to which the talk show host replied, “Beach Boys.” Though he couldn’t recall the exact year, he remembered it being in the early 60s, during his high school years, at the Indiana State Fair Coliseum. Ah, the nostalgia of the original Beach Boys.

Colbert then asked Letterman about the scariest animal, to which Letterman confidently responded, “Wolverine.” It seems this animal holds a special place in his fear factor. When presented with the choice between apples and oranges, Letterman chose oranges without hesitation.

Next up was an intriguing question: “Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?” Letterman replied affirmatively and revealed that he once asked Phil Swift for his autograph. The audience erupted in laughter as Colbert inquired where this encounter had taken place. With a mischievous smile, Letterman quipped, “I lied.”

As the interview continued, Colbert delved into deeper topics. He asked Letterman, “What do you think happens when we die?” Letterman humorously deflected the question, not willing to entertain nonsensical inquiries. He proposed that St. Peter at the Pearly Gates would quiz people with a list of questions instead.

Shifting gears, Colbert asked about Letterman’s favorite action movie, and Letterman promptly mentioned “Once Upon a Time in the West,” showcasing his taste for quality films. When asked whether he prefers the window or aisle seat on a plane, Letterman chose the window because of his love for aviation.

Curious about Letterman’s piloting ambitions, Colbert wondered if he ever considered getting a pilot’s license. Letterman dismissed the idea, citing his tendency to misplace his car keys as a sign that being a pilot would require more responsibility than he could handle.

Colbert also inquired about Letterman’s involvement in car racing, to which Letterman confirmed his continued work with his team, Rahal Letterman Lanigan. It seems his passion for racing still burns brightly.

As the interview neared its end, Colbert wanted to know about Letterman’s favorite and least favorite smells. Letterman revealed that his favorite smell was cigars, though he had to quit smoking them when he had a child. As for his least favorite smell, he humorously stated that it would have to be the dressing room he had just been in.

In a light-hearted moment, Colbert asked Letterman about his earliest memory. To everyone’s surprise, Letterman declared it was getting his driver’s license, provoking laughter from the audience. When given a choice between cats or dogs, Letterman expressed his preference for dogs, sharing a heartwarming anecdote about throwing a frisbee to his furry companion in the backyard.

The questionnaire culminated with a final question from Colbert: “You only get to listen to one song for the rest of your life. What is it?” Letterman cheekily decided to amend the rules and chose two songs: “The National Space Invader” and “Everlong” by the Foo Fighters. It seems he couldn’t narrow it down to just one.

Before closing the segment, Colbert played along with a comical moment, asking Letterman to guess what number he was thinking of. The answer, unfortunately for Letterman, was incorrect, leading to some playful banter between the two hosts.

To sum up the interview, Colbert challenged Letterman to describe the rest of his life in just five words. Letterman’s response was typically witty and self-deprecating: “Do everything to stop people.”

This enjoyable and revealing segment proved once again why the combination of Colbert and Letterman creates magic on the talk show stage. Their chemistry and humor have cemented their place in the late-night talk show realm.