Abby Elliott recently appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to talk about her work on the highly anticipated show, The Bear. The chat show host welcomed her with applause as she took to the stage. Abby shared her excitement about meeting the Vice President before diving into their conversation about The Bear.

Jimmy Kimmel mentioned that he was thrilled to see Abby on the show because he had known her since she was a child. Abby expressed her gratitude for Jimmy’s support and kindness when she first started out in the industry. She even credited him for being as supportive as David Letterman was to Jimmy’s own father, Chris Elliot. Abby’s appreciation for Jimmy’s help in her career was obvious as she genuinely thanked him during their chat.

To illustrate the depth of their friendship, Abby revealed that she had done numerous comedy sketches for Jimmy’s show in the past. Jimmy surprised her with a clip of one of the sketches, where Abby played a TGI Fridays waitress serving a platter of fingers. The sketch was inspired by a news story about a finger found in a hamburger. The clip showed Abby’s comedic talent and her ability to bring the humor to life.

They then shifted the conversation towards The Bear, Abby’s new show. She explained that the show takes place in a restaurant and evolves from casual to fine dining. Jimmy asked if she had any experience working in a real restaurant, to which Abby replied that she had briefly worked at a restaurant called Louise’s Trattoria in Los Angeles. This coincided with her early days on Jimmy Kimmel Live, but she eventually left college to pursue her acting career.

Abby explained that she never really wanted to go to college and had always dreamt of moving to LA to pursue acting. She vividly described her time living at the YMCA, where she had a small room that was infested with mice. The mice would climb up electrical cords and even get into bed with her, causing her distress. Abby jokingly shared how she would imagine the mice opening her eyes and urinating in them due to her pink eye at the time. Her humorous storytelling had the audience laughing and empathizing with her situation.

Jimmy and Abby continued their conversation, discussing the success of The Bear. Abby admitted that she didn’t expect the show to become as popular as it did. However, she always knew it was special. She mentioned the attention to detail on the show, such as the famous potato chip omelet. Abby revealed that she had a food aversion to eggs during the second season when the omelet was introduced. She had to spit it out into a bucket during filming, even though it looked delicious. She joked that if it had Sour Patch Kids on it, she might have been able to handle it.

As their conversation came to a close, Jimmy congratulated Abby on the success of the show and her recent SAG award win. Abby expressed her gratitude and announced that the third season of The Bear would premiere on June 27th on Hulu.

Overall, Abby Elliott‘s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live was filled with laughter and an inside look into her life as both a comedic actress and a cast member of The Bear. Fans of the show and Abby’s work were eagerly anticipating the premiere of the new season.