In a recent episode of “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” Emmy-nominated comedian Michael Che brought his trademark humor to the stage. Known for his work on “Saturday Night Live,” Michael Che had the audience in stitches with his stand-up routine.

One of the highlights of Michael Che‘s performance was his announcement to run for president of the United States. While admitting his lack of knowledge in politics, Che humorously pointed out that he has something Trump and Biden don’t have – four years of experience. He cleverly played on the saying that the best ability is availability.

Drawing from his personal life, Che shared a hilarious story about his aunt discovering through an ancestry test that they have a great-great-great uncle who was a runaway slave turned clown. Che jokingly expressed his desire to run for president so that his family can finally respect him.

Che described himself as the best of both worlds, being liberal like Biden but also willing to pay for sex. He confessed that he used to think paying for sex was gross, but realized that it was due to his financial situation rather than a moral superiority. He humorously admitted to not knowing how to find a prostitute, joking that it’s challenging to ask someone directly if they are a prostitute.

Adding to the comedic repertoire, Che shared the story of a friend asking him to be a sperm donor for her and her wife’s baby. Call him old-fashioned, but Che felt that if he were to have a child, it should be by accident. Growing up poor, he expressed his fear of providing a child with everything he never had, preferring that they understand the value of hard work by starting from nothing.

Unafraid to touch on sensitive topics, Che even brought religion into his routine. He likened himself to a distant father figure, comparing his desire to be a father to the way some people perceive God’s relationship with humanity. Che humorously questioned God’s existence, suggesting that he might have left Earth for a new family after having kids at a young age.

When it comes to marriage, Che had an unconventional take. He expressed his desire to get married but not have a wedding. He humorously argued that getting the wedding too soon doesn’t leave anything to look forward to. Instead, he proposed the idea of earning the wedding during the divorce, with the ceremony starting by undoing all promises and watching his spouse leave the church with her father, never to be seen again due to the bad luck associated with it.

With his wit and comedic timing, Michael Che left the audience entertained and longing for more. From his presidential aspirations to his thoughts on paying for sex and unconventional wedding ideas, Che showcased his distinct comedic style on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.” With performances like these, it’s no wonder he’s an Emmy-nominated comedian and a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.