In a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” the comedian had a hilarious encounter with Sona Movsesian, also known as “Giggle Puss Johnson.” As Conan and his co-host, Matt Gorley, bantered back and forth, Sona shared an interesting tidbit about her marijuana consumption.
Sona revealed that she uses a delivery service called Ease to order her marijuana products. This sparked Conan’s curiosity as he asked her more about how it works. Sona explained that instead of going to a dispensary, she goes online and orders her preferred products, such as gummies and pre-rolled joints.
Conan, always inquisitive, wanted to know the difference between using a gummy and a joint. Sona explained that gummies take about 30 minutes to an hour to take effect, while smoking a joint provides an immediate high. Conan, showing his comedic side, joked about not wanting to wait around for 45 minutes, as he would miss out on important news stories or even an episode of “Love is Blind.”
The conversation took an unexpected turn when Sona shared an encounter she had with her marijuana delivery guy. As she handed him her license to confirm her age, he recognized her from Conan’s last Tonight Show. Turns out, he had attended the show and was the last person they let in. Sona was touched by this fan’s dedication and thanked him for his support.
Conan and Sona continued their conversation about marijuana use, with Conan joking about his tolerance and not feeling the effects of normal doses. Sona suggested prescribing him an edible, possibly a hybrid or indica, to help him relax and chill out. Conan embraced the idea and even joked about Sona shooting him with weed darts to induce a high during their podcast recordings.
Their conversation was filled with laughs and lighthearted banter, as Conan’s wit and Sona’s humor shone through. With Conan’s openness about his experiences and Sona’s infectious energy, it’s clear why “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” is a must-watch talk show for comedy lovers.
To catch more hilarious moments from Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, make sure to tune in to future episodes and follow the entertaining banter between Conan, Sona, and their various guests.