In a recent appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show, Helen Hunt delighted the audience with her charming personality and lively conversation. The actress, known for her work on the popular television show “Mad About You” and her role in the blockbuster film “Twister,” shared insights into her career and personal life.

During the interview, Letterman expressed his excitement for having Hunt on the program and jokingly mentioned their special connection, comparing it to the actor visiting his house. Hunt played along, adding that she loves being on the show and appreciates the humorous dynamic they share.

The conversation quickly turned to the topic of “Mad About You” and the speculation surrounding the characters’ relationships. Hunt playfully discussed the storyline, mentioning a scene where her character kissed another man, which prompted some negative reactions from fans. She assured Letterman that it was just a TV show and reminded him that it was all in good fun.

The focus then shifted to Hunt’s role in the movie “Twister,” a film about tornadoes. With a touch of self-deprecating humor, she confessed that while the movie turned out to be a huge success, her past movies had not fared as well at the box office. She jokingly mentioned that the film made a whopping $41 million, a significant amount in her book.

Letterman, always quick with a witty comment, chimed in, saying he would like to see his friend Paul Riser, Hunt’s co-star on “Mad About You,” in a movie that made that kind of money. The banter between the two continued, with Hunt playfully teasing Letterman for his remarks.

The conversation then turned to Hunt’s experience filming “Twister” and whether she did her own stunts. She admitted that she had an amazing stunt person who helped coordinate the action scenes, but she did take part in some of the more intense moments. She credited the film’s success to its focus on weather, highlighting that once you’ve seen one tornado, you pretty much know what to expect.

As the interview continued, Hunt shared some amusing anecdotes about her time in New York City, including a visit to the theater to see the hit musical “Rent” and an encounter with Mel Gibson in a celebrity bathroom. She recounted how she guarded the door for her friend in the bathroom to ensure his privacy, even though her attention was divided between shaking hands with acquaintances and ensuring no one interrupted Gibson’s personal moment.

With the interview drawing to a close, Letterman congratulated Hunt on her success and remarked on her stunning appearance. The host then shifted gears, introducing the audience to Dr. Marshall, a dentist who had recently checked his teeth. In a humorous turn of events, Letterman sought a professional opinion on his dental issue, describing the discomfort caused by a bite adjustment gone wrong. Dr. Marshall assured him that the problem could be corrected, leaving Letterman overjoyed.

Helen Hunt‘s appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show provided an entertaining mix of witty banter, behind-the-scenes stories, and humorous exchanges. With her charm and charismatic personality, Hunt captivated the audience, leaving them eager to see more of her on both the big and small screens.