The trial is expected to last six weeks, with Trump required to attend court four days a week from 9:30 to 4:30. Kimmel playfully quipped that sitting quietly for that long would surely drive him insane, comparing it to an eight-year-old being forced to attend six weeks of church. Trump even requested to be excused from the trial to attend his son’s graduation, prompting Kimmel to mockingly comment on his plea, “This scammer judge won’t even let me go to the graduation of my son, who was four months old when I cheated on his mother with a porn star.”

Despite the trial not being televised, reports from journalists inside the courtroom, such as Maggie Haberman of the New York Times, revealed a surprising moment. Trump was caught apparently dozing off during the proceedings, only to be jolted awake by his lawyer passing him notes. Kimmel couldn’t resist making a dig, saying, “If Joe Biden fell asleep on the first day of his trial, Trump would be calling him ‘Coma Joe’.”

With jury selection occurring on the first day, Kimmel highlighted the comedic aspect of the process. When potential jurors were asked if they had read any of Trump’s books, not a single hand went up. Kimmel quipped, “That’s why this needs to be televised so we can see the look on his face when a bunch of people announced they never read any of his books.”

While the trial started, Trump’s attention seemed divided, as he posted three videos boasting about winning his golf tournament at his country club. Kimmel humorously compared Trump’s behavior to that of Happy Gilmore, suggesting that he always sounds like a kid who forgot he had an oral report due that day.

Adding to the entertainment, Kimmel discussed another headline-grabbing story – the shock announcement that Gary, the golden Bachelor, and his bride Teresa are getting a divorce after being married for only three months. Kimmel jokingly proposed that if people get married on TV, they should also have to get divorced on TV, creating a spectacle for viewers.

Concluding on a lighter note, as tax day was imminent, Kimmel made a playful tribute with a last-minute tax day deduction parade, featuring costumes and props that didn’t make it onto the show this year. With the deadline looming, Kimmel implied that accountants everywhere would finally have time to hang out again.

In classic Jimmy Kimmel Live fashion, the show delivered an amusing take on the ongoing trial, keeping viewers entertained with witty commentary and playful jabs at Trump’s antics.