Comedian Nate Bargatze made a hilarious appearance on Conan O’Brien‘s talk show recently, leaving the audience in stitches with his relatable take on marriage. Known for his unique perspective and deadpan delivery, Bargatze compared marriage to being in a mosh pit at a concert.
Bargatze, who hails from Tennessee, started his set by sharing his experiences of traveling to different countries. He admitted that he never learned about countries in school, only about the states that touched the US to prepare for potential attacks. His ignorance about geography led him to believe that Europe was where “the gays were made,” showing his humorous and unfiltered approach to storytelling.
Moving on to his personal life, Bargatze revealed that he has been married for five years. Being with his wife since he was 21 years old, Nate confessed that he has never dated another girl, which explains his lack of dating jokes. He did, however, recount a funny story about going on a first date and eventually marrying the girl, highlighting the uniqueness of his love story.
Bargatze’s wife tested his love by asking if he would take a bullet for her. Despite knowing that she hangs out with a rough crowd, he found himself caught in a dilemma. As he contemplated the question, he humorously played with the idea of how fast a bullet travels and whether he could actually move in time to protect his wife. Ultimately, though, Nate declared he would take a bullet for her, showcasing his devotion and commitment to his marriage.
But Bargatze couldn’t help but poke fun at the unrealistic request. He suggested that instead of asking if he would take a bullet, a more realistic question would be if he would take a sword for her. He joked about the absurdity of being stabbed with a sword, emphasizing how unrealistic the scenario seemed. Nate even teased that sword enthusiasts are known to be the worst kind of people, adding comedic elements to his marriage analogy.
With a great knack for storytelling, Bargatze shared his unique perspective on marriage. He compared it to going to a concert and voluntarily entering a mosh pit. At first, the idea seems exciting and fun, but once you’re immersed in the chaos, you realize you don’t want to be there anymore. The marriage mosh pit, according to Nate, is accompanied by the responsibilities and compromises that come with being in a committed relationship.
To lighten the mood, Bargatze shared a funny anecdote about his wife getting mad at him for staying out late and drinking. He humorously walked the audience through the series of texts they exchanged, which eventually led to him sleeping on the couch. Despite the hilarious disagreement, Nate assured the audience that he knows how to fix such issues after being together for a long time.
Nate Bargatze‘s appearance on Conan O’Brien‘s talk show was nothing short of entertaining. With his witty storytelling and relatable humor, he engaged the audience throughout his set. His comparison of marriage to a mosh pit had everyone laughing and nodding in agreement. It’s safe to say that Bargatze’s comedic talent shines brightly on stage, making him a must-watch comedian in the realm of talk shows.