On a recent episode of The Jonathan Ross Show, Maya Jama opened up about her experiences during lockdown and why she decided against going on any Zoom dates. Maya is known for her vibrant personality and active social life, so the question of how she’s been handling lockdown was definitely an interesting one.

Maya admitted that she enjoys partying and going out, so the limitations imposed by lockdown have been challenging for her. She shared that at the beginning of lockdown, she would create her own “kitchen rave” by plugging her phone into the speakers and tuning in to DJs doing Instagram Lives. It was a fun way to bring the party atmosphere into her own home. However, Maya also realized that waking up the next day feeling “mashed up” from dancing alone in her kitchen wasn’t quite the same as going out and partying with friends.

As for dating during lockdown, Maya revealed that she didn’t venture into the world of Zoom dates. She explained that she has always had a level of paranoia when it comes to dating, even back when she was on Tinder at the age of 18. Maya preferred video messaging potential dates to introduce herself, show her voice, and even provide her height. She wanted to ensure there were no surprises and that both parties were transparent from the start. Although this approach didn’t work out for her in the past, Maya now advises people who are Zoom dating to embrace transparency and show themselves from every angle.

Maya also discussed the intensity of Zoom dates compared to traditional face-to-face dates. She mentioned that there is no escape on a Zoom date since both parties are stuck in front of the screen, unable to make excuses or leave early. The lack of physical proximity and the constant focus on each other’s face can make the experience more intense. Jonathan Ross added that he and some friends had tried Zoom gatherings during the early days of the pandemic, but there were often awkward pauses and everyone speaking at once.

One amusing detail Maya shared was that people often forget they are on camera during Zoom calls, leading to situations where they are not wearing pants. But perhaps the most relatable aspect for many was the struggle to end a Zoom call gracefully. Maya admitted that she often struggles to find the exit button, resulting in her face lingering on the screen for a couple of minutes as she scrambles to exit, a relatable experience that many of us can empathize with.

Overall, Maya Jama‘s insights on not going on Zoom dates and finding ways to cope with lockdown provided an entertaining and relatable perspective. The Jonathan Ross Show continues to bring entertaining conversations and honest moments with its celebrity guests that keep audiences engaged and coming back for more.

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