Renowned actress Patricia Arquette recently appeared on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” and took a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about her Oscar win and her appearance on the talk show as its second-ever guest. The interview was filled with laughter, anecdotes, and a glimpse into Arquette’s life in the entertainment industry.

Arquette, who stars in the show “Severance,” was warmly welcomed by Corden and the studio audience, who erupted in applause and cheers as she took her place on the stage. The talk show host presented her with pimento cheese and champagne, jokingly reminding her that he got an Emmy while she received flowers.

Reflecting on her time as James Corden‘s second guest, Arquette talked about the whirlwind of emotions she experienced after winning an Oscar for her role in “Boyhood.” The award season was a frenzy, and she vividly recalled a moment of overwhelm, lying on the ground and almost crying from the pressure. But her appearance on the show brought a different kind of joy amidst the chaos.

Arquette went on to express her gratitude for being a part of “The Late Late Show with James Corden“, as it holds a special place in her heart. She even participated in a sketch during her first visit, solidifying her reputation for being a fantastic guest.

The conversation shifted to Arquette’s current project, the show “Severance,” where she is garnering significant attention for her brilliant performance. The actress previously won an Emmy for her writing contributions to the Oscars, an achievement she playfully mentioned by describing how she displayed the award next to her Nintendo and Xbox.

Amidst the lighthearted banter, Arquette shared some delightful insights into her personal life. She disclosed that as a child, her parents hosted “walking parties” when she started walking. At these gatherings, guests brought items symbolizing different professions, and Arquette jokingly revealed that she chose a judge’s gavel, hinting at her naturally judgmental tendencies.

In a surprising revelation, Arquette mentioned her early involvement in improv comedy as a janitor at the Upright Citizenship Game. She explained one of her duties was dealing with leaking pipes from a supermarket deli above, where she had to replace garbage bags drenched in meat juice. The experience, while not glamorous, played a part in nurturing her comic timing.

As the interview came to a close, Arquette briefly discussed the show “Severance,” a captivating retro-futuristic workplace series. Marveling at its unique concept, she refrained from revealing too much, expressing her desire to avoid spoiling the viewing experience for fans.

The interview was filled with admiration and appreciation from both sides. Corden commendably expressed his admiration for Arquette’s talent, and she reciprocated the sentiment, acknowledging his directorial work on her previous show. The audience was left buzzing with anticipation, excited to watch “Severance” and curious about the upcoming “After Party,” a crime-based series with each episode unfolding in a different genre.

With Arquette’s engaging presence and James Corden‘s infectious energy, the interview proved to be a delightful mix of heartfelt storytelling and entertaining anecdotes. It was yet another memorable moment in the history of “The Late Late Show with James Corden,” reminding viewers of why this talk show remains a favorite among celebrities and entertainment enthusiasts alike.

In conclusion, Patricia Arquette‘s appearance on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” was a delightful journey through her past accomplishments and current projects, adding another captivating chapter to the show’s legacy. As fans eagerly await “Severance” and “After Party,” it is clear that Arquette’s star power and charm continue to shine bright in the world of entertainment.